
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/07 12:20:56


1.Dear guests,please put up the "No Disturb" and "Please Clean The Room" notes as to ensure your privacy undisturbed.We will not enter your room without your permission.Cooperation from guests is much appreciated.Happy staying with us.
2.Dear guests,please place this card on the pillow if you require the bed linen to be changed,it will be done promtply.This is in line with our practice to reduce contamination and pollution caused by washing detergent,and making our living environment more amiable.Cooperation from guests is much appreciated.

1. Dear guest, to respect your privacy, plese use the "Do not Disturb" and "Please Clean" signs. We will not enter your room without your permission. Thank you for your cooperation.
Have a happy s...


1. Dear guest, to respect your privacy, plese use the "Do not Disturb" and "Please Clean" signs. We will not enter your room without your permission. Thank you for your cooperation.
Have a happy stay.
2. Dear guest, in order to protect our enviroment, reduce polution, please put this card on your pillow if you wish to change your bedding and sheets during your stay. We will bring you fresh bedding and sheets as soon as possible. Thank you for your cooperation.


1.Distinguished guests
To respect your personal space undisturbed, please use the "no disturb" and "urged sweeping" card. Without your permission, we will not enter your room. Thank you for your ...


1.Distinguished guests
To respect your personal space undisturbed, please use the "no disturb" and "urged sweeping" card. Without your permission, we will not enter your room. Thank you for your cooperation. I wish you a pleasant stay
2.Distinguished guests
For the sake of our more green living environment and reduce pollution washing, if you need to replace bedding in the occupancy period, I should be grateful cards placed pillows, we will promptly to your replacement. Thank you for your cooperation.


1.Respect guest
In order to respect you the private not to receive disturbs,Asks you to use \"please do not disturb\", \"please namely to sweep clear\" the sign. In has not been under before you...


1.Respect guest
In order to respect you the private not to receive disturbs,Asks you to use \"please do not disturb\", \"please namely to sweep clear\" the sign. In has not been under before your permission, we cannot enter your room at will. Thank you the cooperation.
Wishes you to stay happily
2.Respect guest
For ours environment green environmental protection, reduces washes the pollution, if you in enter the period needs to replace on the bed the thing, please this card laying aside pillow on, we can promptly replace for you. Thank you the cooperation.


1:Dear guest
In order to respect you the private not to receive disturbs,asks you to use "please do not disturb", "please namely to sweep clear" the sign. In has not been under before your permiss...


1:Dear guest
In order to respect you the private not to receive disturbs,asks you to use "please do not disturb", "please namely to sweep clear" the sign. In has not been under before your permission, we cannot enter your room at will. Thank you the cooperation.
Wishes you to stay happily
2:Dear guest
Please place this card on the pillow if you require the bed linen to be changed, it will be done promtply. It is in line with our practice to reduce contamination and pollution caused by washing detergent, and making our living environment more amiable. Cooperation from guests is much appreciated.


英语翻译1.尊敬的宾客为了尊重您的私人空间不受打扰,请您使用“请勿打扰”,“请即清扫”牌.在没有得到您的允许前,我们不会随意进入您的房间.谢谢您的合作.祝您下榻愉快2.尊敬的宾客为 英语翻译请帮忙翻译以下内容:温馨提示尊敬的宾客:为了您的财产安全,请妥善保管好您的随身物品.如有贵重物品,请寄放在大厅贵重物品寄放处.尊敬的宾客:为使您有一个安静,正常的会 表示尊敬邀请宾客吃饭的 成语, 英语翻译尊敬的宾客:欢迎您光临杭州华辰国际饭店,能为您服务,我们感到不胜荣幸.为了让您感受愉悦的用餐体验,期盼您能赐予我们宝贵的意见.请填写如下问卷, 英语翻译“尊敬的宾客” “您好” “宏瑞宾馆提示您” “请将贵重物品及现金交总台保管” 英语翻译1.消防应急广播尊敬的宾客和员工同志们:本酒店6楼发生火险,情况已被我们有效控制,有关人员正在处理中.但为了您的安全,请您在我酒店工作人员的引导下迅速撤离到安全地点,撤 尊敬的近义词可不可以是尊重? 尊敬与尊重的区别?近义词辨析 英语翻译尊敬的宾客朋友:欢迎您来到XX酒店!本酒店感谢您的光临并祝您在此度过愉快而美好的时光.在您下榻本酒店期间,为了能及时给您提供高效优质的服务,请您记下并及时拨打以下电话 英语翻译一个朋友开的饭店要做一个环保节约的温馨提示牌,里面内容想做成中英文对照,以下是提示牌的内容:尊敬的宾客:为了协助我们保护环境和节约用水,请您考虑以下建议;1、请您将 英语翻译尊敬的宾客:欢迎您光临XX酒店!此车场全天候为您提供停车服务.为了确保您的车辆安全,请将车辆停放到指定位置,离开时,检查车辆的门窗及后备箱是否锁好,并携带好随身贵重物品, 英语翻译尊敬的宾客:您好!为了给您提供更优质的洗衣服务,我们非常感谢您能对洗衣服务提出具体意见和建议:……………………………………………………………………………………… 受人尊敬的; 被尊重的用英语怎么说 以 尊敬 为话题的作文是尊重 ( )老师是中华民族的传统美德.应填尊敬还是尊重 崇敬 崇拜 尊敬 尊重 由轻到重的顺序排列 求一篇以尊敬为题的议论文求一篇以尊重为题的议论文 不是尊敬 尊敬的话题作文是尊敬,而不是尊重,而且要话题作文