
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 19:22:45


China's top 1:
  Nearly period of time,science students choose the popular major rank:1.2.The electronic information science and computer 3.Industrial and commercial management 4.5.Economics biological 6.7.Medical financial 8.Physical 9.10 the environment law
  近段时间,理科学生选择的热门专业排名:1.电子信息科学 2.计算机 3.工商管理 4.经济学 5.生物 6.医学 7.金融 8.物理 9.法律 10 环境学
  Popular Chinese 2:the diaoyu island events
  Few days ago,Japan has made serious mistake is Taiwan diaoyu island were,are,and clear.DYD problems about China's international prestige and is plenty of undersea resources of the east China sea,is China's sovereignty and territorial integrity,we must under the determination,otherwise,we can only will this charming island away,only to see the Japanese alone enjoy the east China sea seabed oil and gas resources,while China will also become an international laughingstock.
  前些日子,美日犯了严重错误 钓鱼岛明显是台湾的.DYD问题事关中国国际威望,事关东海大量的海底资源,事关中国的主权和领土完整,我们一定要下这个决心,不然,我们只能最终将这个迷人的小岛拱手送人,只能眼睁睁着看着日本人独自享用东海海底的油气资源,而中国也将会成为国际笑柄.
  Popular Chinese 3:CD
  There is a saving called CD,there is a public disc.A CD,is eat food in your plate.Currently,the large volume of waste food on the table,"waste" on the tip of the tongue,waste around everywhere.Every year around 50 billion kg total waste food or food in China,close to the one over ten of the total grain output,at least out the ration of about 200 million people a year.
  Refuse to waste,cherish food!Starts from me,from now on.
  Popular Chinese 4:Japan earthquake
  Earthquake,Japan now has been sinking into the predicament of the ruling Democratic Party government,interior,since the financial crisis,Japan's economy is still no big improvement,after Mr Kan took office on national commitments are not completed,fall low popularity rating,the Democrats are now for the 2011 annual budget through deliberation and clashed with the opposition,earthquake hou kan will discuss these things in congress.
  Every big events is a chance to change,as a Chinese,can we take the opportunity to do something to deepen influence on Japan?
  China's top 5:American and British air strikes
  The us and the UK finally began air strikes mood.according Libya!In the United States Obama said would not send ground troops into Libya,and don't have much credibility,at the very least,colonel qaddafi may not believe it.After the air strikes,lose only a weak air defense system,the American and British law powers what also don't want to.Within two days from the concept of a no-fly zone was transformed into Gaul chicken of air strikes.Britain launched of the storm shadow missile,this may be the missile was first used for actual combat,the United States also said he would send making the rounds.
