
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/17 16:06:44


Chinese Society had a meeting just now, and decided to increase the price from tomorrow. Today afternoon we have updated the price for our regular long-term clients who are in Newyork,USA. We are sorry for changing the price frequently, and do hope you could accept our new price. For our first business, you get favourable price which only for our American regular customers.

the china association conference has just been open and it has made decision that the price will be raised beginning from tommorrow. we have updated the prices for our regular clients in New York , US...


the china association conference has just been open and it has made decision that the price will be raised beginning from tommorrow. we have updated the prices for our regular clients in New York , US this afternoon. we are sorry for the frequent changes of the price, and hope that you will accept the new price we offer. for the success of our first cooperation, you can enjoy the same price as our regular American clients.


China association made a decision to rise the price from tommorrow after meeting .We updated the price for the old customer in new york this afternoon . We are very sorry to the fluctuation of price ,...


China association made a decision to rise the price from tommorrow after meeting .We updated the price for the old customer in new york this afternoon . We are very sorry to the fluctuation of price , hope you accept our new price we offered . In order to cooperate with you for the first time , you will enjoy the same price with our American old customer .



The Chinese Association has just had a meeting and decided that prices begin to rise from tomorrow. We have already updated the prices for our old customers in New York this afternoon. We do feel sorr...


The Chinese Association has just had a meeting and decided that prices begin to rise from tomorrow. We have already updated the prices for our old customers in New York this afternoon. We do feel sorry for the frequent fluctuation of prices and hope that you can accept our new prices as well. To enter into this first transaction with your company, we have offered you prices which were especially for our American old customers.


英语翻译中国协会刚刚开了会,决定从明天起价格开始上调.我们今天下午已经给在美国纽约的常年老客户更新了价格. 英语翻译中国协会刚刚开了会,决定从明天起价格开始上调.我们今天下午已经给在美国纽约的常年老客户更新了价格.对于价格频繁变动我们感到很抱歉,希望你也能接受我们给你的新价格.为 英语翻译1中国茶禅学会理事长 2.中国佛教协会副秘书长 3.北京灵光寺方丈 现在从哪里找中国无线电运动协会申请表2013年的,找不到表了TAT 英语翻译:请从明天起三天内到机场提货 英语翻译因为从明天起,我们的假期就开始了.很抱歉在此期间不能收发你的邮件了.在这期间,我会非常想念你的!希望你那里一切都好! 请问中国那个协会被简称为“化工会” 英语翻译中国保健协会湖南省分会怎么翻译啊? 英语翻译说了那么多美食,我都有点儿饿了.学生食堂走起,先把今天的午饭解决了再决定明天的吧.我们去食堂吃健康的食物 英语翻译包裹在11月29号刚刚离开中国.大概在圣诞节前后会到达. 英语翻译4、我善于打篮球.5、你又迟到了,对不起,我明天早上会起得更早.6、蝴蝶飞的比蜜蜂高. 琉球群岛从何时起就属于中国了? 太平天国运动为什么会失败,究竟内因起了决定作用还是中外反动势力联合绞杀起了决 英语翻译终于放假了,虽然有点短,但我还是很高兴的.这个假期是我个人开始蜕变的时期,从明天起,我会过有规律的生活,按时起床,按时写作业,按时吃饭.从此再不会熬夜,除非是一些特殊情况. 英语翻译:山东省企业信用协会 协会用英语翻译 明天会是一个好日子!英语翻译谢谢了, 英语翻译1 请帮我订两张机票2 请帮我订4张,明天上午飞往上海的机票.3 我错过了那趟航班,只能改签机票了.4 我错过了那趟火车,只能退票,/ 只能改签,或是坐下一趟车了.5 去北京的航班 刚刚起