are there 后面为什么跟any?自学新概念英语第28课,见例句的疑问句都是are there any books on the dressing room 为什么不说are there some books on the dressing room?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 14:12:53

are there 后面为什么跟any?自学新概念英语第28课,见例句的疑问句都是are there any books on the dressing room 为什么不说are there some books on the dressing room?
are there 后面为什么跟any?
自学新概念英语第28课,见例句的疑问句都是are there any books on the dressing room 为什么不说are
there some books on the dressing room?

are there 后面为什么跟any?自学新概念英语第28课,见例句的疑问句都是are there any books on the dressing room 为什么不说are there some books on the dressing room?
any用在疑问句和否定句当中,除非do you need some water?用some是因为习惯,其余用any




are there 后面为什么跟any?自学新概念英语第28课,见例句的疑问句都是are there any books on the dressing room 为什么不说are there some books on the dressing room? there are hardly any people in the building 为什么后面填are there there are not any后面加什么?There are not some对吗?对的话后头跟什么? is there any跟are there any有什么不同请你详细解答为什么是any 疑问句里用any,后面名字跟单数还是复数?举个例子想不起来了,Are there any question(s)?any 后面跟名字的形式,有语法要求么? I am looking for some Chinses books.Is there any on the shelves?—Yes.There are some over there.前面说的Chinese books是复数,为什么后面用Is there any不用Are there any?为什么Is there any后面没有主语?省略了就不用Are了吗? is there any milk?is there a vase here?is there a magazine?为什么第一句跟第三句后面没有here? There are not any beans in the soup?There are not any beans in the soup?Are there any nails in the toolbox?中的any起什么作用啊?为什么There ic not a camera in the office.又没有带any的呢?person 跟 people有什么区别呢? Are there any ticket? Sorry,there are (few ),if (any).为什么这样回答? There is not any book .句子是否正确?any 用在否定,和疑问句中,一般意思 是 表示 一些吧,那我觉得这句应该是There is not any booksThere are not any books 哪一位?谓语动词用are 跟后面 any books 一致》请写出 are there any near here.any后面是不是不能再加名词 are there any small are there any eggs? are there any pancakes? Are there any There are enough pens for everyone,跟There is enough dessert for everyone .为什么后面的的句子用is而不是are? Excuse me,are there any bookshops?Yes,() is any B.they are some C.there are somD.there are any并说出为什么 Is there any bread? any bread不是复数吗,这里为什么不是are there呢