She was sick of being hounded by the press求解She was sick of being hounded by the press.请问为什么书上这句话翻译成“她厌恶于媒体对她的追踪”呢?press也有表示媒体的意思么?谢谢

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/19 01:05:30

She was sick of being hounded by the press求解She was sick of being hounded by the press.请问为什么书上这句话翻译成“她厌恶于媒体对她的追踪”呢?press也有表示媒体的意思么?谢谢
She was sick of being hounded by the press求解
She was sick of being hounded by the press.

She was sick of being hounded by the press求解She was sick of being hounded by the press.请问为什么书上这句话翻译成“她厌恶于媒体对她的追踪”呢?press也有表示媒体的意思么?谢谢
press:①报刊,报界,新闻界.②出版社,通讯社③印刷机④压,按,挤 v.


对 , press就是媒体的意思,也可以说新闻媒体
例如Press conference 新闻发布会