
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/07 16:51:03


You must take her to the hospital.

You ought to take her to the hospital quickly.

you must take her to hopital right away

You must take her to hospital. 给你的翻译,希望能帮助到你。

你必须马上送她去医院?(take……to)的英文 翻译 那警察冲到她身边,立刻送她去医院.(rush ,take.to) 如果你病得很严重,必须马上去看医生英语翻译 你必须洗澡了.You must take a shower.还是You have to take a shower.如果是“你必须去洗澡了”是不是还是一样? 还有说法是MUST是主观的,而HAVE TO是客观的 因为母亲病重,必须送去医院,而不能去机场送好朋友‘ 脑筋急转弯(IQ题)小明是一个非常听话的孩子,一天他被殴打重伤进了医院,她妈妈知道后马上到医院去看他,可是一进到医院;她妈妈看到小明躺在床上,马上跑出医院走了,没有回来.为什么 昨天奶奶病了,爸爸妈妈急忙送她去医院.The granny was ill yesterday.Dad and Mum took her to hospital____ _____ _____ 汉译英:她生病了是她去医院的原因 写一篇英语作文70词语句通顺,语义连贯,无语法错误.假如你叫李强,上周六你和父亲去看电影,路上看见一名妇女不小心从自行车上摔下来了,她受伤了,你和父亲一起把她送进医院…… When must she go to the library?是:什么时候她必须去图书馆?When must you and Sam see the dentist.意思是:你和萨姆什么时候必须去看牙医. i am____we must take the ___ ___to the ___ ___.根据汉语完成句子.恐怕我们必须带那个生病的收银员去当地的医院. Your grandma is ill;you'd better _______her______hospital right away.你奶奶生病了,你最好立刻送她去医院.She said she _______her coat______ ______ _________.I want to know ______Jack still lives in that house.A.that B.if C.what D.whereO kate病了,我要送她去医院用英语怎么说 你能告诉我去医院的路用英语怎么说 ------ you ------ ------ ----- the way to the hospitai “必须天天去医院看病”用英语怎么说 他必须去医院.(改成双重否定句) she wants to take ____ ____ ____ australia this summer.她今年夏天想要去澳洲旅行 完成下列句子(定语从句)1.That was the reason _______(我必须去医院)and Icould not go on my holiday to Britain2.Mary Brown moved to a place ________(她靠近大海),so she could go swimming every day.3.This was the time ______