a day or two 与 one day or two 的区别?请各位英语高手帮帮忙,详细解答.谢谢!

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 23:52:59

a day or two 与 one day or two 的区别?请各位英语高手帮帮忙,详细解答.谢谢!
a day or two 与 one day or two 的区别?

a day or two 与 one day or two 的区别?请各位英语高手帮帮忙,详细解答.谢谢!
都是一两天的意思 不过从语感上来讲 前者更笼统些

从a day or two 与 one day or two中看,两个的区别在于a与one的区别。

About a [one] thousand students attended the meeting. 大约有 1 000 学生参加了会议。(在数字开头时,两者均可用;但若不是数字开头,则应用one,如...


从a day or two 与 one day or two中看,两个的区别在于a与one的区别。

About a [one] thousand students attended the meeting. 大约有 1 000 学生参加了会议。(在数字开头时,两者均可用;但若不是数字开头,则应用one,如不可说 three thousand a hundred,而说 three thousand one hundred)
A [One] Mr Smith wants to see you. 一个名叫史密斯先生的人想见你。(a Mr... 与 one Mr... 同义,也可说 a certain Mr...,但如果没有 Mr 这样的词,两者则不宜随便互换,否则含意会发生变化。比较:One John Smith telephoned. 一个名叫约翰·史密斯的人打过电话来。I wish to become a Newton. 我想成为一个像牛顿那样的人。)
All the prisoners escaped at a [one] stroke. 所有的犯人一下子都逃跑了。(at a stroke 和 at one stroke 均是习语,意为“一下子”、“一举”等。类似地有:at a [one] blow 一下子,一举;at a [one] bound 一跃,一跳;in a [one] word = 一句话,总而言之;be of one [a] mind = 意见一致;not for a [one] moment 绝不,完全不,从不)
(1) 从词性上看:a (an) 是不定冠词,主要表示类别,即着重表示其后的名词是某物,而不是其他物;而 one 表示“一(个)”时是数词,主要表示数量,即强调在数量上是一个,而不是两个或多个。比较:
Give me a dictionary. 给我一本字典。(此处强调的是:我要的是一本字典,而不是一本教材,也不是一本小说等)
Give me one dictionary. 给我一本字典。(此处强调的是:我要的是一本字典,而不是两本字典或多本字典)
more than a year 一年多 (如一年零三个月等)
more than one year 不止一年 (如两年或三年等)
(2) 由于 one 是数词,着重数量意义,所以当要强调数量、进行数量对比或回答 how many 的提问时,均应用 one,而不能用 a (an)。如:
He has only one pen, but I have two. 他只有一枝钢笔,但我有两枝。
I want one box, not five. 我想要一个盒子,不是要五个。
How many friends do you have here? — Only one. 你在这儿有多少个朋友?—— 只有一个。
(3) 在某些表达中,两者均可用,但含义不同:
at a time 每次,同时 at one time 一度,曾经
as a man 就一个人的性格而论 as one man 一起,同时,全体一致地
on a hot summer afternoon 一个炎热的夏日的下午 (注意用介词 on)
one hot summer afternoon 一个炎热的夏日的下午 (注意不用介词 on)
an hour and a half 一个半小时 (通常不说 one hour and a half)
one and a half hours 一个半小时
a minute or two 一两分钟 (通常不说 one minute or two)
one or two minutes 一两分种
in a hurry 匆忙 once upon a time 从前
as a result 结果 all of a sudden 突然
one day 一天 one by one 一个一个地
one and all 全部,每个人 one and the same 完全相同的

(B) I've spent _____ reading the interesting book.
A. one day and two B. one day or two C. a day and two D. a day or two


It will take us ____to finish the workA.a day or two B one or two day C a day and two D one or two days.为什么? --How long will you stay there?--For__.A.one and two days B.one and two day C.one or two day D.a day or two He’ll have to spend ____ writing hie report here.A.one day or two days; B.one day or two; C.a day or two days ; D.a day or two选D为什么不选A啊 单选You can return the book in _____.You can return the book in _____.A one or two day B one day or two C a day or two D one day or two days为什么? He'll have to spend ______ writing his report here.A.one day or two days B.one day or two C.a day or two days D.a day or two You'll have to spend ----writing your report here A.one day or two days B.one day or two C.a day or two .D.two days or one 为什么 He’ll have to spend ____ writing hie report here.A.one day or two days;B.one day or two;C.a day two days ;D.a day or two 应该选哪个?我觉得B和D是一样的 但是答案上选D PS:请详细告诉我这B,D两个词组的意思与用法 谢 a day or two 与 one day or two 的区别?请各位英语高手帮帮忙,详细解答.谢谢! you will have to spend_writing your report herea.one day or two days b.one day or two c.a day or two d.two days or one答案是c 为什么 You'll have to spend ----writing your report hereA.one day or two days B.one day or two C.a day or two .D.two days or one 为什么 in a day or two与in one day or two的区别?He will be back in a day or two为什么不能说He will be back in one day or two? i hear he will come in_ a .a day or two b.one day or two c.one and two days d.one day or two days 请从语法角度 选择啊正确答案是A 为什么不选b? I’m sure that he will be back in ____.A.a day or two B.one day or two C.a or two days D.one or two day选哪个?为什么? i hear he will come in_ a .a day or two b.one day or two c.one and two days d.one day or two days为什么不选b? The librarian asked him to return the book_____A.in one day or two B.for one or two days C.within one day or two days D.in a day or twoA 和C为什么不对 There're going to stay here for ( ) next month.选哪个A.a day and two B.a day or two C.one or two day D.a day and two days He will be back in___.A one day or two B one or two days C a day or two days D one point five days 求大神解析下ABC三个的区别 一两天是one day or two还是 a day or two