
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 15:31:38


Reinforcement theory is divided into two types:positive reinforcement and negative reinforcement.

Dong Jin is China state-level intangible cultural heritage, China famous brocade. Dong Jin has 2000 years of history, is the mother and relatives through generations of pure handmade fabric, has now b...


Dong Jin is China state-level intangible cultural heritage, China famous brocade. Dong Jin has 2000 years of history, is the mother and relatives through generations of pure handmade fabric, has now become the "living fossils show Chinese woman weaving". Dong Jin Dong pure hand woven fabrics. Woven Dong Jin after ginning, spinning, yarn, carded yarn, 10 channel complex process. Design and change of Dong Jin pattern depends on the brocade brain memory mapping, multiple patterns for geometric shape, prismatic, four square, round, triangle, with birds, beasts, insects, fish, flowers, people, buildings and so on as the main body, the precise structure rigorous, exquisite designs elegant, ancient myth and legend, totem myth story mountain scenes of daily life, its contents reflect the natural characteristics, as well as the Dong People's yearning for a better life. In order to rescue, protection, inheritance and development of Chinese outstanding cultural heritage, in recent years, Hunan Province, Tongdao Dong Autonomous County. The Lord ah Dong Jin weaving Development Co. Ltd developed textile, clothing, tourism, gifts and shawl, scarf, tablecloth, pillows and a series of products, to create "ah." Dong Jin "brand, has become the famous brand of Hunan Province, the company production base has also been awarded the national intangible cultural heritage protection production demonstration base of the Ministry of culture. Dong Jin products due to have great originality, publicity manual beauty of creation, features strong, the one and only, has the rich cultural connotation, deeply domestic and foreign consumers favor.要给好评哦!亲!希望对你有帮助!我是费了好大劲才翻译出来的!一定要采纳呀!
