
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 01:26:32


The people in China are more than those in England.
The pen on the desk is much newer than that in the pencil case.

比较级后面的代词为什么用that/those而不用it/one? 定语从句 someone 后面怎么不用that 引导呢原句:Travel with someone who can traslate things for you .为什么用who 不用 taht someone不是不定代词吗?不定代词后不是用 that 来引导的吗? that引导的从句后面可以跟代词those么? Darwin held that many more individuals are produced than can find food and survive into adulthood.帮忙分析下句子结构啦 这里的many more 和than 有什么关系吗?如果是比较级的话than 后面为什么不加those之类的代词来 一道高中英语语法题,代词的He was a man of strong emotions,_____ normally lay hidden deep inside him.A.those B.which C.that D.the ones我知道空格中的词是指代emotions,本来想选择A,但标答是B,请问什么情况下可以用tho compare的用法,后面用的形容词是不是该用比较级.比如:compared with this ball,that ball is bigger? it is more than probable that he will fallmore than 后面为什么不用比较级? 先行词是人的时候,前面如果有序数词或最高级修饰,后面的关系代词是用that还是who 比较级Than后代词的用法我在一本书上看到一个关于比较级的句型,书上说如果比较的时候Than前面用的是be动词,than后面的代词用主格.如:she is stronger than me (错误)she is stronger than I (正确)但是 reason做先行词,后面的关系代词用什么啊?可也可以用 that。有什么区别啊? others appeared brighter at times and less bright at others这句为什么前面brighter用比较级,后面用的却是less bright,不是比较级? those做定语从句的先行词,用什么关系代词?which还是that?为什么? a little bit为什么后面跟比较级? The united states is very larger but Canada is larger.为什么后面的large要用比较级,而不是最高级 英语中定语从句的连接代词that可以与后面的be动词缩写吗? Any后面用比较级We can't go any ____(far)without a rest.这道题中为什么far要用比较级? Anyone __________ this opinion may speak out.A.that againsts B.that against C.who is against D.who are against为什么选C而不是B?不是说不定代词后面只能用that的么? 为什么polite的比较级要用more?