一道阅读理解题which of the following statements is trueA professionals' lack of BMI prevents conveying messages.这个选项是错的,原文是这样的:Perrin said her team could not tell the reason why,even today,perhaps only a third of pa

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/13 22:30:46

一道阅读理解题which of the following statements is trueA professionals' lack of BMI prevents conveying messages.这个选项是错的,原文是这样的:Perrin said her team could not tell the reason why,even today,perhaps only a third of pa
一道阅读理解题which of the following statements is true
A professionals' lack of BMI prevents conveying messages.这个选项是错的,原文是这样的:Perrin said her team could not tell the reason why,even today,perhaps only a third of parents,at best,are getting the message about obesity.some professionals might be unfamiliar with BMI(mass index) charting and the related definition of overweight and obesity.麻烦解释一下错误原因,

一道阅读理解题which of the following statements is trueA professionals' lack of BMI prevents conveying messages.这个选项是错的,原文是这样的:Perrin said her team could not tell the reason why,even today,perhaps only a third of pa

文中说的很委婉:some professionals MIGHT be`````说一些教授可能···· 而选项是 BMI的一个专家导致的·· 所以是错的

一道阅读理解题which of the following statements is trueA professionals' lack of BMI prevents conveying messages.这个选项是错的,原文是这样的:Perrin said her team could not tell the reason why,even today,perhaps only a third of pa 阅读理解题 就一道 阅读理解 B篇 the secret of happiness阅读理解 B篇 the secret of happiness 求解决一道英语阅读理解题. 求一道阅读理解题答案, 英语高中一道阅读理解题 一道阅读理解, 一道英语阅读理解, 阅读理解:The children at the top of the class succeed外语阅读理解 一道定语从句英语题The building over there is a library,_____is our gym.on the east of which还是east of which which of the following is the correct order of the events that happened to Bill?这是一道阅读题的问题。我看不懂。怎么翻译。还有谁能给我说说阅读题在问我问题的时候经常问什么。都是哪些单词?还有一 The best way of learning a language is using it 这篇文章阅读理解题的答案 英语阅读理解J.K.Rowling is the writer of 一篇名为《the rise of mcdonald>>的阅读理解 SAT一题阅读题的题目理解The author of passage two and the teacher mentioned in line 5,passage one,would probably disagree regarding which of the following about the Walden?一个大牛告诉我说这个问句的意思是:那两个人对 请教一道英语的阅读理解题The famous director of a big and expensive movie planned to film a beautiful sunset over the ocean.so that the audiences could see his hero and heroine in front of it at the end of the film as they said goodbye to 一道英语智力测试题—— Which day comes two days after theday which begins with the sixth letter of the alphabet?sunday 求原因~ 一篇英语阅读理解,The development of science and technology makes our life more comfortable and convenient.However,scientists have created many problems,which are not easy to be resolved,such as air pollution,the deterioration of environment a