帮忙看看这句话的意思There was a terrible noise followed by the sudden burst of laughter.其中这个was followed 和following 又有什么区别?那么用following是先有笑声再有噪声么?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 15:46:21

帮忙看看这句话的意思There was a terrible noise followed by the sudden burst of laughter.其中这个was followed 和following 又有什么区别?那么用following是先有笑声再有噪声么?
There was a terrible noise followed by the sudden burst of laughter.
其中这个was followed
和following 又有什么区别?

帮忙看看这句话的意思There was a terrible noise followed by the sudden burst of laughter.其中这个was followed 和following 又有什么区别?那么用following是先有笑声再有噪声么?
followed by 和was 没有关系,there was是一种句型,翻译为有..
而followed by直译为被...跟随.
这句话里followed by the sudden burst of laughter是noise 的被动式的定语.
也可以理解为follow by 是固定短语.

帮忙看看这句话的意思There was a terrible noise followed by the sudden burst of laughter.其中这个was followed 和following 又有什么区别?那么用following是先有笑声再有噪声么? 帮忙看看这句话的意思!歌者已逝 岁月静好 能帮忙看看这几句话的意思吗? Object there was none.Passion there was none.这句话怎么翻译什么意思 There was a purse here just now这句话的意思是什么 there is snow all year round ...帮忙翻译一下这句话的意思 大家帮忙进来看看这句话的意思,找不到一把合适的伞,就宁愿一直被淋着, 大家帮忙看看这句话的意思,有志者事竟成,破釜沉舟,百二泰关,终归楚,苦心人,天不负,卧薪尝胆,三千越甲,可吞吴.帮帮忙说下这句话的意思, 帮忙看看这句话是啥意思担捣殴?慵堋?是不是哪个地方的方言啊?知道的帮忙翻译下.老郁闷了. 请老师帮忙看看这几个字的意思, 麻烦会英文的朋友帮忙看看这啥意思? 会英语的帮忙看看啥意思 英语好的进来看看这句话是神马意思? 这句话的意思是什么 求学霸帮看看 帮忙看看这句是什么意思perform there function well 急用 I use this product which keeps my liver healthy and perform there function well.整句话是这样的 雅思小作文.请语法达人帮忙看看.There was little change between 1980 and 1990,from 21% to 22%,only a 1% increase.Finally,the number of female smorkers peaked at 24% in 2000.这当中有没有语法错误?我想表达的意思是1980年与 帮忙看看这句英文啥意思? 帮忙看看啥意思.