you have to snake the drain when my hair gets cloggedwhat is meaning of that?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 22:51:54

you have to snake the drain when my hair gets cloggedwhat is meaning of that?
you have to snake the drain when my hair gets clogged
what is meaning of that?

you have to snake the drain when my hair gets cloggedwhat is meaning of that?

当我的头发阻碍的时候 你不得不在排水沟匍匐前进

you have to snake the drain when my hair gets cloggedwhat is meaning of that? birds是什么意思4 Talk to DavidWrite your answers to David's quserions.David:Hello.My name's David.what's your name?You:David:Have you got any pets at home?You:I've got a snake!A long,black snake.It't python.Do you like snakes?You:David:Well,I Have you ever seen the __(蛇)答案是填snake还是snakes China can't keep_____(开)from the w_____We wish china to have good_____in snake year China can't _____(开)from the w_____We wish china to have good_____in snake year ----do you have a plane to New York on March 10th?----let me c______ my computer first 英语翻译DEAR XXX:How have you been?I am usually busy.What do you mean by chat with you?Do you meanmessenger?We always do have a holiday in here - Carnival - from Feb,12th to Feb,16th.I will be on vacation from Feb,11th,returning on Feb,18th.How 名词性物主代词英语题This snake belongs to John and me.It's_________.This snake belongs to you and Sally.It's_________. Would you like ( th )delicious to eat?( th )填一个合适的词包含th Go to see the doctor if a snake bites you.(改为否定句) what to do if you get bitten by a snake(翻译) 英译中,把下面的话化为中文,A tigher is chasing a snake.The snake rushes into whter.Thetigher waits by the water.After a long time,a turtle climbs up.The tigher catches the turtle and shouts,“You have no chance to run away.I can recognize 交际英语---Good morning,nanchang hotel.---I'd like to have a room for June 16th and 17th.---?1、---Good morning,nanchang hotel.---I'd like to have a room for June 16th and 17th.---__________________A、Can I help you?B、What can I do for you C 根据句意和首字母提示完成句子.Are you a___of the snake?Do you have a p___computer? 英文来的.I don’t have th strength to stay away from you anymore.Only for making me want you so badly.You are my only one. 1._____ go for a walk with us?A.why don't B.why not you C.why not about2.Jim is a years old boy year old3.Eva saw a snake.She was_____ scared ____say a,too B.too,to C.too,th 20.----Do you think it’s important to_______ your family?------Yes,I think so.A.get along on B.get along C.get along of D.get along with21.Isaw a snake lying across the road ______.A.on the way to home B.on the way home the way to home th 英语信件回答I have fix my trip to Shanghai from 26th to 29th (next Mon to Thu)Would to check if you may be free on 28th (Wed) morning time,I would like to visit your office and meet you.If time is available,I even want to go to ICBC.怎样答