帮忙找一下这短文里面的错误a whta's the wrong with you ,young man?b i'm not feel well and i'm very weak. i can't do any work ,doctora do you have headacheb no, i don'ta do you sleep well in nightb yes,i sleep very wella do you eat breakfa

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/14 20:09:36

帮忙找一下这短文里面的错误a whta's the wrong with you ,young man?b i'm not feel well and i'm very weak. i can't do any work ,doctora do you have headacheb no, i don'ta do you sleep well in nightb yes,i sleep very wella do you eat breakfa
a whta's the wrong with you ,young man?
b i'm not feel well and i'm very weak. i can't do any
work ,doctor
a do you have headache
b no, i don't
a do you sleep well in night
b yes,i sleep very well
a do you eat breakfast every morning?
b no,i don't,and i eat only a little foods of lunch and supper beacher i want to keep thin
a oh,i see,there is much nothing wrong with you.you need eat more food and have three meals a day,and take some exercises every day.then you'll turn bettrt soon

帮忙找一下这短文里面的错误a whta's the wrong with you ,young man?b i'm not feel well and i'm very weak. i can't do any work ,doctora do you have headacheb no, i don'ta do you sleep well in nightb yes,i sleep very wella do you eat breakfa
the wrong - wrong
not feel - not feeling
headache - a headache
in night - at night
a little foods of lunch - a little bit of food for lunch
there is much nothing wrong with - there isn't anything wrong with
need eat - need to eat
take - do
turn better - get better

a.delect "the"
b. feeling
c.have a headache
A. in the night or at night
b slept
d i only eat a little food at lunch and supper
last: you need to eat

the wrong--wrong
headache--a headche
in night--at night
a little--a few
of --for
there is much中的much去掉
need eat--need to eat

帮忙找一下这短文里面的错误a whta's the wrong with you ,young man?b i'm not feel well and i'm very weak. i can't do any work ,doctora do you have headacheb no, i don'ta do you sleep well in nightb yes,i sleep very wella do you eat breakfa 帮忙找一下这句话的错误Liu Tao's get a bad cold now. 帮我找一篇英文短文(适合初中水平的)带翻译这篇短文是演讲用的 请帮忙找一下 帮小弟帮找一下初一英语50字左右的短文帮忙找一篇50字的英语小短文。 帮忙找一下这篇英语文章中的错误尽量多一些谢谢 看不清的看大图 这是一篇英语短文改错,错误已标出,帮忙分析每个错的错误原因, 帮忙找一篇描写月亮的短文 请能看懂英语的帮我看看我写的这个考研口语面试的短文,帮忙改正一下里面的错误,Good morning teachers and professors,thank you for giving me such a valuable opportunity,i am very appreciate it.My name is ++,23 years This picture shows a school girl and a fat woman .The girl.这是一篇英语短文的前一句,大家帮忙找全这个英语短文, This picture shows a school girl and a fat woman .这是一篇英语短文的前一句,大家帮忙找全这个英语短文, 各位帮忙找一下古诗里面有“竹”字的句子 各位大哥大姐,麻烦帮忙找一下,用英语翻译错误(被误解)的景区指示标例子,急啊! 帮忙找一下有关桥的成语 帮忙找一下描写花的词语! 帮忙找一下描写植物的好词好句.. 帮忙找一下中西文化差异的例子 96的因数帮忙找一下 帮忙找一下《台阶》的好词好句.读后感.