句子中still是依然的意思?这句话翻译之后是什么?You still have to hide the note from theft,but at lease you don't have to hide a whole bunch of gold from theft.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/13 23:21:50

句子中still是依然的意思?这句话翻译之后是什么?You still have to hide the note from theft,but at lease you don't have to hide a whole bunch of gold from theft.
You still have to hide the note from theft,but at lease you don't have to hide a whole bunch of gold from theft.

句子中still是依然的意思?这句话翻译之后是什么?You still have to hide the note from theft,but at lease you don't have to hide a whole bunch of gold from theft.
still 这里是副词,意思是仍然,还

你好~ form原意“形成,产生”。在这句话里为“形成某种习惯,即:妇女是否form在这里是建立; 全句是:在突尼斯的发言中,加努希先生承诺,在他的复兴

句子中still是依然的意思?这句话翻译之后是什么?You still have to hide the note from theft,but at lease you don't have to hide a whole bunch of gold from theft. 洋装虽然穿在身,我心依然是中国心.这句话的意思是什么 英语翻译我发现外面天 依然是黑的,英语怎么翻译?可不可以说~I find it still black outside. 海面上波涛澎湃的时候,海底依然很宁静,在句子中,依然的意思是什么? still的用法!这句话该怎么翻译呢 “昨晚也还不迟啊 ” still应该放在哪里啊still到底是形容词还是副词呢 I still have possibility to get the opportunity.我依然有获得机会的可能性这句话对不 英语高手们帮帮~~翻译:若再次出生,我依然像做你们的孩子if I were born again,I still wanna be your son.这句子翻译的对么?病句的话帮改下.谢谢.前一句 if I were (to be) born again,这里没有 to be 的话是病 will you still love me tomorrow ,这句话是意思? I still love you tomorrow 这句话是怎么意思? 翻译这句话的意思it is you who hurt me deeply.but are you still up with me? oncentrate on your needs,old Slash,still got the Rock请帮翻译这句话的意思 英语翻译这句话中ont rendu是怎么翻译的?这句话的句子结构是怎样的?MERCI! 山的那边,依然是山.依然啥意思 Though it was written in 1902,it still is a very instersting.在这个句子中still 是仍然的意思吗? 谁能翻译这句话Still achieving,still pursuing! 这句话又无语病Whatever the reason,there are still some problems with student use of computers.如果有 麻烦改正 我自己觉得student 后面有点怪怪的中文意思是 无论什么原因 学生们使用电脑依然有些问题 still在句子中通常的位置是怎样的? I still love you babe 是什么意思啊·?我依然爱着猪、翻译英语是?