英语面试 中问到薪金该怎么回答比如说,我想从2500到3000,这个范围应该是合理的.这句怎么说.i think the range from 2500-3000 is more reasonable?是这么说吗?"根据市场行情" 怎么说

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 00:32:43

英语面试 中问到薪金该怎么回答比如说,我想从2500到3000,这个范围应该是合理的.这句怎么说.i think the range from 2500-3000 is more reasonable?是这么说吗?"根据市场行情" 怎么说
英语面试 中问到薪金该怎么回答
i think the range from 2500-3000 is more reasonable?
"根据市场行情" 怎么说

英语面试 中问到薪金该怎么回答比如说,我想从2500到3000,这个范围应该是合理的.这句怎么说.i think the range from 2500-3000 is more reasonable?是这么说吗?"根据市场行情" 怎么说
It depends tha market guide...
Let's Talk Salary:The Rules
On the subject of salary,I believe there are several clear rules:
Don't put your "salary history" in a resume as a matter of course.
Don't respond to any job that requires this with a mention of what you're earning unless you absolutely,absolutely want the job and are willing to be discarded right at the beginning because your salary is too high or too low.(Yes,I know that some HR groups will discard a resume that doesn't have your "salary history" in it,and that's the chance you take.) In other words,don't put your salary history in,ever.
With a recruiter,you can talk frankly about salary and whether what you've earned matches what they're willing to pay.The recruiter can often tell you,based on her experience,what the "wriggle" room is and if this is above or below the market average.The recruiter will often ask this to make sure you "fit" in the range the employer is willing to pay,so that neither of you wastes time.
If asked in an interview,either a preliminary "screening" interview or a later one,about your salary requirements or what you've earned,your response needs to be,"What's the range for this position?"
The dialogue goes thusly:
"What are your salary requirements?" or "What level of compensation are you looking for?" asks the interviewer.
"What's the range for this position?" you respond.
"What kind of salary were you earning?" they ask again.
"What's the range for this position?If you can tell me that,I'll be glad to tell you if I'm comfortable with it," you respond once more.
"What did you earn in your last position?"
"If you can tell me the range,I'll be glad to tell you if it's acceptable..."
I believe you can go through this gambit at least three times without irritating the questioner,if you do it right.This is extremely difficult for most people to do (i.e.,not to answer a direct question and respond with one of your own),but it can be done with practice.This gambit is successful perhaps 60% of the time,maybe more if you're really charming or the interviewer is weak,and the axiom is:The first person who names a figure,loses.
In the early stages of interviewing,it is a good alternative to say,"I'd like to put salary aside for the time being,and concentrate on the requirements of the job and how I can make a substantial contribute first..."
Some people have successfully used this line:"I've earned quite a bit and very little in previous jobs,and at this point in my career the important thing is what kind of match there is between my experience and what the job calls for,so could we defer talking about salary for the time being?..."
You also can always say:"I'm sure you've set a fair salary for this position,and therefore whatever you've set will work for both of us." (This may be an outright lie but it can also serve to get beyond that point.)
Always try to get the going rate for such a position from your network or from a salary comparison survey.Then you can say,"The range for this,according to the XYZ Guide,is from $--------- to $--------.Is that what we're talking about?"
It is acceptable to name a range when,and if,you give up and decide to respond to a question about what you want to earn or what the range is.
Never try to negotiate salary until you have been told conclusively that you have been chosen.


the range between 25,000 and 30,000 is considered resonable
the average pay in this field is...

As I see it ,the salary between 2500-3000 is acceptable .

英语面试 中问到薪金该怎么回答比如说,我想从2500到3000,这个范围应该是合理的.这句怎么说.i think the range from 2500-3000 is more reasonable?是这么说吗?根据市场行情 怎么说 英语面试一般会问些什么,该怎么回答 怎么准备英语面试在英语面试中,主考官会不会问我:“你的职业规划是什么?要是问了,我该怎么回答? 英语一般,马上要去面试外企,我该怎么准备这个英语面试啊? 小升初英语面试怎么回答啊? 我的英语口语不太好,面试英语该怎么准备呢?怎么提高面试英语口语水平啊?英语面试时穿西装需注意哪些细节? 面试英语问题最近因为日本地震,盐价上涨特别厉害,我想请问一下,要是在面试的时候主考官问我这一方面的问题,我该怎么回答? 求重庆富士康面试流程,本人本科,面试会考英语吗?是不是会有笔试?面试题有哪些啊?我该怎么准备?应聘的是供应链,请一个一个回答 周五去民航面试,有可能回问的英语问题是什么?如果让用英语自我介绍,我该回答哪些方面? 进入大学学生会学习部的面试该怎么回答 面试完对方说thank you我应该怎么用英语回答?如题 面试的时候面试官让我用一分钟时间自我介绍,在一分钟时间内打动他,我不知道这个问题该怎么回答 应聘外企时英语级别低,面试时应该如何回答关于语言的事情.公司没有硬性要求语言必须要多少级,面对考官我该如何回答此类问题呢?比如说你英语为什么没有获得四级?事实是我考了3次都没 What's your favourite fruit?该怎么回答?比如说,我最喜欢的水果是橘子,该怎么回答? 如果面试官问我Anything you want to ask me?我该怎么回答为好啊? 英语面试:视频面试该如何表现? 面试官问我这样一句话,我该怎么回答?What kinds of people do you find it difficult to work with?怎么回答比较好! 我要参加校园广播站,该怎么自我介绍?我要参加校园广播站的面试.该怎么自我介绍呢?还有应该注意些什么问题?要求回答详细