
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 16:47:30

关键词:农村居民 消费水平 聚类分析 扩展线性支出系统模型

==>> 自1978年以来,经过三十多年的改革开放,我国经济随着社会经济的持续快速发展已摆脱短缺状况.
倒数第三行:占我国人口绝大多数的农村居民是有着很大消费潜力的一个群体,提升农村居民的消费水平.缺少主语,什么 占我国人口.不能没有主语,否则下面的整段话,都没有意义
居民消费水平 resident consumption level
消费结构 consumption structure
持续快速发展 sustainably rapid development
Abstract:through the reform and open in the 30 years since 1978,our economy has gotten rid of the shortage situation along with the rapid development of social economy,and established comparatively perfect socialism market economy system,turned the seller's market into nowadays buyer's market.Thereby,our county's resident consumption level and consumption structure have a large extent influences on national economy operation circumstances.Consumption,investment and import and export are "three carriages" of promoting economic growth.In recent years,our national economy has been in a sustainably rapid development,yet the tendency of household concumption on contributing economic growth is generally declined,the growth of household concumption is lower than economic growth,among which rural dwellers' concumptions are even lower than the rapid development of economy...( 加主语 ).holding a large amount of potential concumption group in rural dwellers as well as improving the concumption level of rural dwellers,has important practical and theoretical meanings of increasing household concumption towards contribution shares of economic growth as well as improving economic operation quality.
Keywords:rural dwellers; concumption level; Cluster Analysis; Extended Linear Expenditure System(ELES)

Since 1978, after 30 years of reform and opening-up of sustained and rapid development of social economy, China's economy has overcome the shortage situation, China has basically established a relativ...


Since 1978, after 30 years of reform and opening-up of sustained and rapid development of social economy, China's economy has overcome the shortage situation, China has basically established a relatively complete socialist market economic system, from a seller's market into buyer's market now. Therefore, our level of consumption and the consumption structure to a large extent affect the operations of the national economy. Consumption, investment, net exports and spur economic growth, "Troika", in recent years, China's sustained rapid growth, but consumer contribution to economic growth has been gradually falling, consumer spending growth below economic growth, while which is the greater consumption of rural residents was weaker than the rapid economic development. Most of our population is rural residents has great potential for a consumer group, raise the consumption level of rural residents, the increase in consumer share of the contribution to economic growth, improve the quality of economic operation has important practical and theoretical significance.
Keywords: Cluster analysis of rural household consumption model of the extended linear expenditure system


After over thirty years' reform and opening-up since 1978,and also with the continued fast developing of the social economy,the chinese economy has no longer been in shortage.China has a...


After over thirty years' reform and opening-up since 1978,and also with the continued fast developing of the social economy,the chinese economy has no longer been in shortage.China has almost finished the complete construction of the socialist market economy system,changing from the former seller's market into the buyers' market.Therefore,the operation condition is affected to a great degree by the chinese consumptive level and consumption structure.The consumption,the investment and the net export are the troika for economic growth.In recent years,China's national economy in continued rapid growth,however,the consumption of resident is making less and less contributions to the economy growth with a lower increase than the economy's,while the consumption of the rural residents is weaker than the rapid development of the economy.Occupying most of the chinese population,the rural residents are of great consumption potentiality,so improving the consumptive level of the rural residents is of important realistic and theoretical significance,aimed at increasing the resident consumption's contributions to the economic growth as well as improving the quality of economic operation.
Keywords,rural residents,consumptive level,cluster analysis,extend linear expenditure system.


Since 1978, after 30 years of reform and opening up, with the economy's sustained and rapid development, China's economy has overcome the shortage situation, China has basically established...


Since 1978, after 30 years of reform and opening up, with the economy's sustained and rapid development, China's economy has overcome the shortage situation, China has basically established a relatively complete socialist market economic system changed from the original seller buyer's market now. Therefore, our level of consumption and the consumption structure to a large extent affect the operations of the national economy. Consumption, investment, net exports and spur economic growth, "Troika", in recent years, China's sustained rapid growth, but consumer contribution to economic growth has been gradually falling, consumer spending growth below economic growth, while which is the greater consumption of rural residents was weaker than the rapid economic development. Most of our population are rural residents have great potential for a consumer group, to enhance the consumption level of rural residents, the increase in consumer share of the contribution to economic growth, improve the quality of economic operation has important practical and theoretical significance.
Key words: cluster analysis of rural household consumption model of the extended linear expenditure system


英语翻译摘要自1978年以来,经过三十多年的改革开放,随着社会经济的持续快速发展,我国经济已摆脱短缺状况,我国已经基本建立了比较完善的社会主义市场经济体系,由原来的卖方市场转变为 英语翻译摘要:春节联欢晚会自1983年开播以后,曾经万人空巷只为它,经过三十岁月的磨砺,春晚舞台依旧在,可是人气却不在.从2000年开始到2013年,这十三年间,春晚都在发生着改变,从明星到草 自1978年以来的巨大成就 英语翻译求高人英语翻译以下摘要日本现代文学作家吉本芭娜娜(Banana Yoshimoto)自上世纪八十年代踏上文坛以来,便受到了文学界和普通读者的关注,获得了许多赞誉.芭娜娜的文学作品拥有独 英语翻译【摘要】 奉节县人民医院自2010年开展优质护理服务以来取得了很好的效果,该院内二科作为第二批试点病房,在开展优质护理服务过程中虽然取得了一定的效果但也存在很多问题,针 英语翻译试论我国消费者权益保护制度的完善摘要《中华人民共和国消费者权益保护法》是与中国普通老百姓日常生活联系最密切的一部法律,该法自颁布实施以来,在唤醒消费者权益自我保 自2009年以来,他一直呆在中国的英语翻译 她妈妈自1992年以来就在这家医院做一名医生了 英语翻译 国民政府自1911年以来都城变更 这种实验可信度多高?近日偶尔看到一文:1997 年01期 实验中发现的一种遗传新现象 【摘要】:自1987年以来,笔者开始进行家鸡不同品种之间的杂交试验,试图得到新的优良品种鸡.在试验过程 英文翻译高手速来,在线等论文摘要英文翻译!急用,如下:现如今随着国家的宏观调控和市场经济的不断发展,工程建筑市场竞争日愈加剧,其承包价格战进入了白热化阶段,而且自2003年以来,还 英语翻译就是以下中文需翻译,论文老师说你在线翻译的不行,最好找英语专业人士帮你翻译.《改革开放以来中国家电行业经过三十来年的拼搏,获得了前所未有的蓬勃发展,中国已成为世界最 英语翻译【摘要】本文 是在参考了多个关于影响我国税收收入的主要观点的基础上,对影响我国自1988年至2007年的税收收入的主要因素进行实证分析.选取的自变量有国内生产总值、财政支出 我国自1978年以来所取得的巨大成就有那些?.o(∩_∩)o.. 英语翻译摘要:自二十世纪八十年代末以来,以美国为代表的西方主要发达国家展开了关于公司法修改的大讨论,主要围绕公司股东及利益相关者的问题,由此引出公司的社会责任的基本问题.本 英语翻译我国寿险营销模式的发现及存在问题分析 摘要:自恢复国内保险业务以来,我国寿险业取得快速发展.寿险营销模式也不断的演化和进步,经历了由简单到复杂的三个阶段,不同的营销模 英语翻译摘要 金庸的武侠小说塑造了很多成功的人物形象,黄蓉就是其中之一,自面世以来就受到广大读者的喜爱.对于黄蓉这一形象的评价存在两种相反的观点:一派是以倪匡为代表,认为黄 英语翻译论合同法自由原则的限制〔摘要〕合同自由原则是私法意思自治的主要内容和基本表现形式.它发源于欧洲中世纪,确立于资本主义自由竞争时期.自二十世纪以来,这一原则逐渐受到了