警方ten four的来历?相当于Roger that,就是 收到 的意思.如题,这个习语有什么来历么?请指教~

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 16:35:22

警方ten four的来历?相当于Roger that,就是 收到 的意思.如题,这个习语有什么来历么?请指教~
警方ten four的来历?
相当于Roger that,就是 收到 的意思.如题,这个习语有什么来历么?请指教~

警方ten four的来历?相当于Roger that,就是 收到 的意思.如题,这个习语有什么来历么?请指教~
ten four没具体的意义,到今天,已经演变为地道的美国俚语 意思是收到或者OK的意思 (警察专用?ofrq怀疑)就像咱说地瓜地瓜 土豆已收到`~呵呵
不过ten four却源自于无线电通迅技术的应用(知道为什么一般人会告诉你警察专用了吗?因为传呼通讯已经成为警察、保安的必备工具,真的就是我们的 土豆土豆、地瓜地瓜)
A code used by CB owners possibly since the dawn of amateur radio, the code 10-4 simply means "Message received". Since the 70s the code system have been popular in law-enforcement circles then evolved to what it is today. Nowadays when people use these codes, they are mostly refering to the police radio code system, which is more detailed then its original version, so I'am only listing the police code system here rather than the out dated CB code version.
Please note that these code vary from one country to another or even used differntly in differnt state/province in the same country
10-0 Use Caution
10-1 You are being received Poorly
10-2 You are being received Clearly
10-3 Stop Transmitting
10-4 O.K.
10-5 Relay Message
10-6 Busy with Call
10-7 Out of service, (completely)
10-7b Out of service (personal)
10-7c Out of service (court)
10-7od Out of service (off duty)
10-8 In service
10-8ot In service (over time)
10-9 Repeat last message
10-10 Out of service, Radio on
下面的资料则介绍了American Navy的对讲机用语:
"What's your twenty?" in lieu of "Where are you?"------你在哪里?
"Give me your twenty" in lieu of "Tell me your location".------报告你的位置.
"Do you read me?" or "Do you copy me?" in lieu of "Do you get what I said?"------你听到我讲的话了吗?
Ten four! in lieu of "I got it" or "Copy"-------收到!
