on a larger

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 00:42:04

on a larger
on a larger

on a larger
on a large scale
如果是on a larger scale

on a large scale是:“大规模地”的意思(固定搭配)
但我看你写的是on a larger scale,用的是比较级,那就是"更大规模地"的意思了.


on a larger a larger vocabulary是什么意思? Click on a photo to view a larger version,read and post comments,etc翻译 Click on the photograph in which you are interested for a larger view.翻译 In our school library there _____a number of books on science and the number of them_______growing larger and larger.A ,is,are B ,are .is C ,has ;is 英语翻译The subjects take on proportions larger than life as a result of their adroit distribution on the picture plane. this larger flat is on the top floor of a five-sto-rey modern block of flats翻译 The ____________ animal that lives on land is the AfricanElephant.( )a. larger c. largestb. large d. most largest X3850 做不了RAID 出现以下提示:The hard disk drive is too small to create a partition.use a hard disk that is 15000MBor larger.On a RAID system,create a logical drive is 15000MB or larger. X3850 做不了RAID 出现以下提示:The hard disk drive is too small to create a partition.use a hard disk that is 15000MBor larger.On a RAID system,create a logical drive is 15000MB or larger. On the second floor there are two rooms,___is used as a meeting room.A.The larger of which B.one of themC.The larger one of thatD.The largest of which选D不行吗? If using a larger f/ givesa larger depth of field,why would you always use a larger f/?f/=focal length divided by diameterf/ is f numbers printed on the lens mounting on the camera.我问的不是翻译 关于物理中的光学问题中相机原理 The performance attracted____audience than I had expectedA larger B a larger C the larger D a large 1.Both Japanese and French are now to me.I don’t know ______ of them.A both B all C either D any2.There are many trees ______ of the road!And ______of the trees is growing larger and larger.A on both side;a number B on each sides; a number C on bot which is____,china or russia?Russia is_____than china,i thinkA,larger,larger B,the largest ,largerC,the larger,larger为什么答案是C,而不是A? 这个句子为什么是run-on sentence?Even though California is smaller than Alaska or Texas it has a far larger population. which is _______ country? Canada or America?A a larger B the larger China has a _______population than________country.A.larger,other B.larger,any other