
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 13:34:36


Good morning,ladiesand gentlemen,stranding here,I want to say,I believe I can fly!Maybeyou think that I am a crazy person or something.Well,actually “I believe Ican fly” is the name of a song,which is my favoriteEnglish song.The reason why I like this song is the song brings me courage to make my dreams come true.Just like the song says “I believe Ican fly!I believe I can touch the sky”.You know Istill dream about being a witch like Harry Potter andlive in the wizardly world,to use mypowers to save the day,like stopping the World Trade center from falling down,or stopping the war on Iraq …I know being awitch is impossible,but to make our world a better place is definitely possible.
So,I have a super motto ,“Just do yourbest.”and it works like magic.My motto guides me everyday.It's very helpful to me.It helps me facechallenges and takes away my worries.It makes me feel stronger,too.For example,I was sick on a day that I had animportant test.I was very nervous and afraid,so I told myself,“Just do yourbest.”Then I tried my best.I gave it one hundredpercent and I did a great job.
This motto can makeyou confident.Don't worry about what will happen and don't compare yourself toother people.Just do your best,and you will be fine.Anything is possible ifyou do your best,so ,let me say it again,I believe we can fly,let’s do our bestevery day.I believe that one day our dream will indeed come true.
Thank you.

不能程度太低,当然也不能【太高】的说. 锅壳式蒸汽锅炉的锅筒水位不能太高,也不能太低,为什么? 求30道一元一次方程难度不要太高,也不能太低30道 求办公自动化实操题难度不能太低,也不太高, 求一部介绍古生物主要是兴趣爱好 不需要太学术 当然也不能是给小孩读的 富士山英文介绍我们课前要来个小讲演我英语不大好当然也不能太简单了 化学原电池实验报告只求速度(当然质量也不能太差) 我要买家具了,跟推荐个好点的牌子吧当然我也不是土豪,价钱也不能太高,听说bianyangguang的家具不错,不知道用着怎么样.有用过他家的家具的童鞋吗,冒个泡 四川地震受灾中等程度地区有那些啊暑期社会实践活动可以去的,不能太危险也不能没感觉的 都怪你们人类的能力太高,我都不能很好的适应人类的生活例如工资太低,或找不到老婆骂人的不要回答, 请给我一些类似这中形式,并有哲学的语录.梦,不能做得太深,深了难以清醒.话,不能说得太满,满了难以圆通.调,不能定得太高,高了难以合声.人,不能做得太假,假了难以交心.事,不能做得太绝,绝 50w的电烙铁温度太高.串联一个4007二极管后,烙铁头温度太低,焊锡丝不能融化,怎么办? 描写秋天的作文400字左右吧,不能太多,也不能太少,要好~要少点,但不能太少 以等待为 话题的作文不过文学程度不是太高『呵呵 也不是太低 .一般般 嘻嘻』不过不要太深 一般般 较浅的就行了 450个字左右 推荐一些英文比较容易懂的英文电视剧或电影当然不能太无聊. 某件比较有名的青铜器背后的故事(急哪……) 有个大概就好 当然也不能太简练叻~ 英语作文,展望新学期,你的初一奋斗目标,水平不要太高,也不要太低, 史记人物读后感(不要项羽和司马迁)美一点的~不要太长当然也不能太短600百字左右就可以啦!