Last week,Antonia and her class sang at the Young Voices Concert in London,with 8,000 other chilLast week,Antonia and her class sang at the Young Voices Concert in London,with 8,000 other children.Let’s listen to her story.“When my music teacher

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/03 15:05:44

Last week,Antonia and her class sang at the Young Voices Concert in London,with 8,000 other chilLast week,Antonia and her class sang at the Young Voices Concert in London,with 8,000 other children.Let’s listen to her story.“When my music teacher
Last week,Antonia and her class sang at the Young Voices Concert in London,with 8,000 other chil
Last week,Antonia and her class sang at the Young Voices Concert in London,with 8,000 other children.Let’s listen to her story.
“When my music teacher told us that we could go to sing at a concert in London,we were all happy.We could not belive that we would go there.
At school we practiced all the songs until the concert finally arrived.I put on my Young Voices T-shirt and my mum took a picture of me.I went to school and saw all my friends in their T-shirts too.Our teacher arrived and we sang on the journey.
When we arrived at the concert,we saw lots of children from different schools with their T-shirts on.Then we practiced all the songs.I was really surprised when my sister’s friend Dionne came to see me.
Finally it was seven o’clock and the performance started.All the children sang very loudly.It was a fantastic show.I love it and I hope I can sing there again.”要人工翻译,好的话加分.(必须在一点之前)

Last week,Antonia and her class sang at the Young Voices Concert in London,with 8,000 other chilLast week,Antonia and her class sang at the Young Voices Concert in London,with 8,000 other children.Let’s listen to her story.“When my music teacher
上周,Antonia 和他们班上的同学一起在伦敦的“青年音乐”音乐会上表演了,在场还有8000多个孩子.然我们一起来听听他的故事.
当我们到达音乐会时,我们还看到许多孩子都穿着不同的衣服T恤衫.然后,我们就开始练歌了.我还很惊讶,我妹妹的朋友 Dionne 竟然也来了音乐会来看我们.