关于Global Economy的问题一道习题请问各位高手if nominal GDP is $5trillion and real GDP is $4 trillion, the GDP deflator is :请问答案是125 还是1.25 因为有人说需要考虑trillion

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 22:09:27

关于Global Economy的问题一道习题请问各位高手if nominal GDP is $5trillion and real GDP is $4 trillion, the GDP deflator is :请问答案是125 还是1.25 因为有人说需要考虑trillion
关于Global Economy的问题
if nominal GDP is $5trillion and real GDP is $4 trillion, the GDP deflator is :
请问答案是125 还是1.25 因为有人说需要考虑trillion

关于Global Economy的问题一道习题请问各位高手if nominal GDP is $5trillion and real GDP is $4 trillion, the GDP deflator is :请问答案是125 还是1.25 因为有人说需要考虑trillion
nominal GDP:名义GDP
real GDP :实际GDP
the GDP deflator:GDP紧缩指数
这里的the GDP deflator=$5trillion/$4 trillion=1.25(刚才打错了,单位这里已经约掉了,因为除数跟被除数都是trillion)

关于Global Economy的问题一道习题请问各位高手if nominal GDP is $5trillion and real GDP is $4 trillion, the GDP deflator is :请问答案是125 还是1.25 因为有人说需要考虑trillion 一句英语例句关于主谓宾在书上看到这样的一个例句:The information industry helps boost the global economy在这个句子中,helps 和 boost 算是两个谓语吗? 10年英语四级热点尤其是关于低碳,enyiroment protection .world expo .global warming .energy consumpment .CO2 emission .new economy.哥本哈根峰会.金砖四国.等等热点.可以是阅读理解的形式,也可以是听力或者作文 关于matlab ode45函数的程序运行问题 做的是二阶微分方程求解function f =function9( t,x )global U;global R;global L;global C;f=[x(2);R/L.*C-R*x(2)/L+x(1)/L.*C];endglobal U;global R;global L;global C;U=10;L=0.1;C=0.01;R=10;Y0=[1;0];[ analysis of current global economy要一段话!不是要翻译啊~要英文版的对全球经济的分析! Empirical application:global trading economy帮我翻译一下 as China became more deeply involved in the global economy. 关于low-carbon economy求low-carbon economy的英文解释. A Global Economy 的具体意思?一篇外文期刊中看到的 想知道具体的意思和定义这个是文章中给的定义 global economy we mean an economy that works as a unit on real time on a planetary scale.但是我翻译不出来 开始 global warming的问题!最好是英文!1)effects of global warming2)the causes of global warming3)the solutions of global warming4)How does global warming relate to globalization?答案要简要,英文回答! 不能过长! the golden global festival 关于电影方面的 有关高中阶段宾语从句的一个问题.句1.Now,the world's focus is all on [when] it is that the global economy will come back to normal .句2.His writing is so confusing that it's difficult to make out [what it is that] he is trying to expre 关于Global Warming的英文介绍对于全球变暖(global warming)的一些介绍 或者举例 急需 谢谢 As the global economy ...As the global economy approaches the heyday of knowledge revolution,enterprises are now entrenched in the order of globalized business.求翻译 英语高三作文关于雾霾的作文.1、描述雾霾天气的景象 .提出解决这一问题的建议Nowadays,with the development of economy,more pollution appears in our daily life.All of those ,haze is one of the most seriously problems aroun economy expand的意思. 【急求】关于环境问题的英文文章的问题!不必太长,也不必太复杂,但是一定要纯正,要原版!而且,要有关中国的环境问题,例如:acid rain,global warming.air pollution,etc.thanq very much! economy