
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/18 14:23:33

1.1 苔丝的毁灭与伪善的宗教紧密相连.
1.2 不公正的法律制度也是导致苔丝悲剧的一个因素.
1.3 苔丝也是资产阶级虚伪道德的牺牲品.



1.1 苔丝的毁灭与伪善的宗教紧密相连.

1.2 不公正的法律制度也是导致苔丝悲剧的一个因素.

1.3 苔丝也是资产阶级虚伪道德的牺牲品.
"Tess of the D'Urbervilles," depicts the tragic destruction of a pure woman. Hardy said the subtitle in the novel the heroine as "a pure woman", openly hypocritical Victorian society to the ethical challenge. Heroine Tess is a hard-working good, the beautiful simplicity of the peasant girl, while her firm also has a valuable, self-esteem and bold against the ill-fated character, in order to get rid of poverty, her mother sent her to the wealthy "capitalists" Asian Ray at home to work, the results have been the ravages of Yalei lost the "innocent." At this time, she not only face life of poverty, but also against the "moral" pressure. When she came to dairy workers and from the city has a "free thinking" in an irregular pearl • Clare really love the. On the wedding night, Tess order to be faithful to her husband, to Claire about his past "mistakes." The performance of a high moral courage. When the husband could not understand well-being has been shattered, she has refrained from pain. Teeth, resolutely to make a living independently. Attitude in dealing with Alejandro, Tess also fully reflects the price of their dignity. Yalei every possible inducement, she was not moved by the move, and clearly expressed disgust. Finally, she no longer tolerate the situation, killing the enemy of her life ruined. All this has led to Tess's tragic life. And let her finally go to ruin. "Tess of the D'Urbervilles," the tragic element is a deep and complex. In this paper, social, family, character, Tess discussed several aspects of the fate of the reasons for the tragedy that the fate of Tess's tragic outcome is inevitable.
   1, social factors
   1.1 Tess's destruction and the hypocrisy of religion are closely linked.
   Alejandro The figures revealed the hypocrisy of religious hypocrisy. He is relying on business to get rich and the nouveau riche of assets is a "sensual man." He set a trap to lure the Tess, but the use of "Bible" allusions to lay the blame Tess body. Later, he also urges people to do good actually became a priest. Can be seen that in a capitalist society, religion is only the reactionary ruling classes of narcotic, fraud and a tool to fool the working people. Religion bourgeois women abuse and tarnished a theoretical basis.
   1.2 unjust legal system is also a factor leading to the tragedy of Tess.
   In capitalist society, the legal system are to protect the interests of the exploiting classes and the recognition of the power of the exploiting class oppression of the people of the premise is to protect their reactionary rule of service. Alejandro hegemony in the countryside by doing evil deeds, but protected by law, but Tess been sentenced to death. This is shows the reactionary nature of bourgeois political system, indicating that the lower classes of ordinary people in society can not get a fair treatment.
   1.3 Tess is also a victim of the moral hypocrisy of the bourgeoisie.
   Claire works is the embodiment of moral hypocrisy of the bourgeoisie, although he was a liberal intellectuals, but he had a deep-rooted psychological depth of traditional morals. He himself had debauchery and get Tess's forgiveness, but he refused to forgive the original innocent Tess. The imprint of the bourgeoisie are still seared deeply into the depths of his soul: that "status is not the same moral values are not the same." He also used the traditional concept of chastity to look at a woman's pure knot or not, there is no right Tess the slightest sympathy. Purchase Tess was painful despair, so that Tess was forced back to Alejandro's side. Claire who embodied the hypocrisy of bourgeois morality out of Tess pushed into the abyss of the tragedy.


1, social factors

1.1 Tess's destruction and the hypocrisy of religion are closely linked.
Alejandro The figures revealed the hypocrisy of religious hypocrisy. He is relying on...


1, social factors

1.1 Tess's destruction and the hypocrisy of religion are closely linked.
Alejandro The figures revealed the hypocrisy of religious hypocrisy. He is relying on business to get rich and the nouveau riche of assets is a "sensual man." He set a trap to lure the Tess, but the use of "Bible" allusions to lay the blame Tess body. Later, he also urges people to do good actually became a priest. Can be seen that in a capitalist society, religion is only the reactionary ruling classes of narcotic, fraud and a tool to fool the working people. Religion bourgeois women abuse and tarnished a theoretical basis.

1.2 unjust legal system is also a factor leading to the tragedy of Tess.
In capitalist society, the legal system are to protect the interests of the exploiting classes and the recognition of the power of the exploiting class oppression of the people of the premise is to protect their reactionary rule of service. Alejandro hegemony in the countryside by doing evil deeds, but protected by law, but Tess been sentenced to death. This is shows the reactionary nature of bourgeois political system, indicating that the lower classes of ordinary people in society can not get a fair treatment.

1.3 Tess is also a victim of the moral hypocrisy of the bourgeoisie.
Claire works is the embodiment of moral hypocrisy of the bourgeoisie, although he was a liberal intellectuals, but he had a deep-rooted psychological depth of traditional morals. He himself had debauchery and get Tess's forgiveness, but he refused to forgive the original innocent Tess. The imprint of the bourgeoisie are still seared deeply into the depths of his soul: that "status is not the same moral values are not the same." He also used the traditional concept of chastity to look at a woman's pure knot or not, there is no right Tess the slightest sympathy. Purchase Tess was painful despair, so that Tess was forced back to Alejandro's side. Claire who embodied the hypocrisy of bourgeois morality out of Tess pushed into the abyss of the tragedy.


Honey I have a feeling you are plagiarising on your essay... I hope I'm wrong. Just because your tutor can't read chinese does not mean you can cheat. 看看央视的海归女主播的雷人英语采访视频吧,知识还是自己的牢固些. 如果你只是混毕业,那么请无视本发言.

Claire works is the embodiment of moral hypocrisy of the bourgeoisie, although he was a liberal intellectuals, but he had a deep-rooted psychological depth of traditional morals. He himself had debauc...


Claire works is the embodiment of moral hypocrisy of the bourgeoisie, although he was a liberal intellectuals, but he had a deep-rooted psychological depth of traditional morals. He himself had debauchery and get Tess's forgiveness, but he refused to forgive the original innocent Tess. The imprint of the bourgeoisie are still seared deeply into the depths of his soul: that "status is not the same moral values are not the same." He also used the traditional concept of chastity to look at a woman's pure knot or not, there is no right Tess the slightest sympathy. Purchase Tess was painful despair, so that Tess was forced back to Alejandro's side. Claire who embodied the hypocrisy of bourgeois morality out of Tess pushed into the abyss of the tragedy.


英语翻译《德伯家的苔丝》描绘了一个纯洁女人的悲剧性毁灭.哈代在小说的副标题中称女主人公为“一个纯洁的女人”,公开地向维多利亚时代虚伪的社会道德挑战.女主人公苔丝是一个勤劳 女英文名 纯洁的意思希望大家给起一个好听的英文名字,不要太长了,是纯洁的意思最好是N或J开头的,如果实在没有,只要是纯洁的意思就可以了.表明怎么读哦o(∩_∩)o 要好听的,不是N L 开头的 纯洁和天真的区别描述一个女的,说她纯洁, 说她天真,有什么区别,还是一个意思?具体说一下,现在哪种人多一些啊 天真和纯洁的区别描述一个女的,说她纯洁,说她天真,有什么区别,还是一个意思?具体说一下,现在哪种人多一些啊 纯洁的反义词?(一个词组就够了) 如果一个男的问一个女的愿意跟我一起撸吗 想的纯洁点 英语翻译描绘了一个怎样的画面?表达诗人什么思想感情? 桃花源记描绘了一个怎么样的世外桃源 步辇图描绘了一个什么样的情景? 求一个英文名(女的) 带有纯洁,可爱,美丽,聪明,快乐.美好的意思都可以! 如何形容一个女孩心地善良.完美无缺.纯洁无比?什么都完美的词?啥爱上别人啊.很长时间不联系了.估计中国也没几个这样女的了.太纯太傻了 一个好听的,代表纯洁的,急、、、 英语翻译一个女名 英语翻译最近 我好想被一个女的愚弄了准确的说 是 fool again 我知道有两个意思,一个是 纯洁 ,另一个可就不那么纯洁了哦,是雏菊的意思.那么我想问雏菊是什么意思 老舍描绘了一个怎样的济南的冬天 英语翻译《德伯家的苔丝》是哈代著称于世的“威塞克斯系列”中的一部力作.小说描述了一位纯洁姑娘的不幸命运.主人公苔丝是一位美丽的农家少女,因受东家少爷诱迫而失身怀孕.从此,这 《小儿垂钓》一诗中所描绘了一个什么样的景象