求详解 请耐心看完 1、After the grueling rehearsal,the pianist felt (wore) out and wanted only to sleep.2、The governor favored the new law because (it would allow) the state to save more than ten million dollars.3、This biography,w

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/19 19:31:12

求详解 请耐心看完 1、After the grueling rehearsal,the pianist felt (wore) out and wanted only to sleep.2、The governor favored the new law because (it would allow) the state to save more than ten million dollars.3、This biography,w
求详解 请耐心看完
1、After the grueling rehearsal,the pianist felt (wore) out and wanted only to sleep.
2、The governor favored the new law because (it would allow) the state to save more than ten million dollars.
3、This biography,with its myriad quotations from unnamed sources,is as blatant an example of character assassination (of any) I have ever seen.
4、Pior to the election of Henry Cisneros as mayor of Sam Antonio in 1981,no major city in the United States had had a mayor (from Mexican descent).
请问 这四句话中括号部分分别有什么错误

求详解 请耐心看完 1、After the grueling rehearsal,the pianist felt (wore) out and wanted only to sleep.2、The governor favored the new law because (it would allow) the state to save more than ten million dollars.3、This biography,w
1 是felt worn out --------felt (系动词) worn out (表语)

2 应该改写成 it would enable the state to -- . 新法律强调能力enable,不强调许可性allow.

3 of any 应该改写成 as any other ( example of character assassination) .结构是:
A is as 形容词 a / an + 名词单数 as B .

4不是 from Mexican descent,应该是 of Mexican descent. -------a person of Mexican descent.

1.felt为系动词 一般系动词加形容词构成系表结构 所以这里应该用worm(疲乏的/疲倦的)felt worn out 意思是“感到精疲力尽”feel也为感观动词 感观动词+宾语+宾补.
2.根据句意应该用被动语态 it would be allowed
3.any为任何的含义.后应该缺少宾语 应该为any other
4.我认为...应该是from the...


1.felt为系动词 一般系动词加形容词构成系表结构 所以这里应该用worm(疲乏的/疲倦的)felt worn out 意思是“感到精疲力尽”feel也为感观动词 感观动词+宾语+宾补.
2.根据句意应该用被动语态 it would be allowed
3.any为任何的含义.后应该缺少宾语 应该为any other
4.我认为...应该是from the Mexican descent 墨西哥人的定指


求详解 请耐心看完 1、After the grueling rehearsal,the pianist felt (wore) out and wanted only to sleep.2、The governor favored the new law because (it would allow) the state to save more than ten million dollars.3、This biography,w 求极限,请详解, 已知x的四次方+x的三次方+x的两次方+x+1=0,求x的一百次方+x的99次方+x的98次方+x的97次方+x的96次方的值.请大家耐心看完,不需要横详细 数学题请耐心 请大家耐心看看 有点多.请耐心 求德语日期的写法(请详解)已经知道是dd.mm yyyy的写法了,那日期(日)后面有加类似于英语的st.(1st.)/nd(2nd.)/rd(3rd.)/th(17th.)么?加的格式和内容和英文一样吗?要是把数字的日子写成拼写单词, 关于自由落体运动,求详解自由下落的物体,自起点开始依次下落两段相等高度所经历的时间之比是多少?题目有点不顺口,请耐心看看,不难看懂的. 数学题1,请详解 after doing s.th还是after do s.th?在书上看到两句话:1、After listening to it2、After they listen to it为什么一个是 doing s.th 一个是do s.th? 求x的范围:arcsinx>1请给予详解,=+ 求耐心讲解 过程中都要用到什么部件?具体操作步骤是怎样的?问题有点儿繁琐,求耐心详解... 求大哥大姐帮我看看吧!请大家一定要帮我耐心看完好吗?我喜欢女生,我们认识一个月了,她外地的 我本地的,她开朗我闷骚,平时放假一起出来差不多10次左右了吧,出来溜达了挺自然的,总掐她 求文学好友教我:如何学习文学?读什么书增长知识?先请大家耐心看完我所说的话啊!男,25岁,在外地打工,下班回来除了游戏还是游戏 - -.呃,现在这么大了,也不好意思玩了 - -.该考虑考虑下一 they are well looked after in China.还是are looked after well?求详解 1吨钢铁和1吨木头哪个重?首先,请耐心的把题目看完,这不是脑筋急转弯,我也不是在开玩笑,百度赚分越来越难了,我没必要拿我仅有的5分财富值来开玩笑,请认真对待.我知道,木头和钢铁前面的 一到简单英语填空 谢谢 (求详解)I was born__June 6 th 2002