英语问题(反义疑问句)i'd say that using this weapons in a real conflict would be estremely impractical,no?其中为什么要用“no”?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/02 10:23:47

英语问题(反义疑问句)i'd say that using this weapons in a real conflict would be estremely impractical,no?其中为什么要用“no”?
i'd say that using this weapons in a real conflict would be estremely impractical,no?

英语问题(反义疑问句)i'd say that using this weapons in a real conflict would be estremely impractical,no?其中为什么要用“no”?

我理解的是 不是吗?相当于 isn't it?

英语问题(反义疑问句)i'd say that using this weapons in a real conflict would be estremely impractical,no?其中为什么要用“no”? 初二英语反义疑问句题目 the lady couldn't say aword whenshe saw a snake,-------?(补充反义疑问句) 初三英语反义疑问句问题I don't believe he can do this diffecult work,____?A.do I B.can he C.don't I D.can't he如果换成She does't believe he can do this diffecult work,____?A.do I B.can he C.don't I D.can't he也是选B吗?反义疑问 i think he can't do this,( ) 反义疑问句 请教一道英语自考语法反义疑问句的题目:You'd rather I didn't tell her the new,对应的反义疑问是什么? I am a student,______?(反义疑问句)A.don't I B.aren't I C.am I D.isn't I如题,怎么选?为什么? 一道反义疑问句的英语题I don`t believe she could have given the child so much money yesterday,_____?A,do i B,could i C,did she D,hasn`t she(为什么不能用could she?) 初三英语宾语从句中的反义疑问句问题I don't believe that he can do this diffecult work,____?A.do I B.can he C.don't I D.can't he这题答案是选BEveryone thought that Jack was a clever boy____?答案是didn't they为什么第一句 i don't think he'd be able to organize it well.反义疑问句?he 'd是什么的缩写然后反义疑问句 反义疑问句英语I'm a boy的反义疑问句请问是什么?aren't 还是 am I not?众说分坛.请问到底是哪个, 几个英语反义疑问句的问题1、I wish to go home early,_____ A.can B.must C.may D.do 答案为什么选C,为什么D不可以?2、He ought to win the first prize,_______ he?A.mustn’t B.oughtn’t C.shouldn’t D.Both B and C.答案为什么 i don't think he'd be able to organize it well.反义疑问句?该句的反义疑问句是 would he?还是 is he I don't think I am a student,( ) ( ) 反义疑问句 一道英语反义疑问句的题...I don't suppose he 'll give us a hand,______?A.do I B.don't I C.will he D.won't he最好讲下为什么.. 一道英语反义疑问句的问题.原题为:-----Isn't that interesting?-----__________,I like it very much.A.Yes,it is.B.Yes,it isn't.C.No,it isn't.D.No,it is.因为老师以前讲过答句中前后要相符,所以B,D要舍去.余下的A,C中, 2道初2英语题,急!Iam sure everything goes well,__?(改反义疑问句)I don't think it is going to rain tomorrow,__ __?(反义疑问句) She could hardly say a word.(改为反义疑问句) 反义疑问句 I am going fishing,______?A.ain't I B.aren't I C.amn't I D.am not I