几道初三英语日题1.What will you do when you meet _____ the first time? A. at B. on C.in D.for2.She was ______ with anger when she saw the women .A. moving B.exciting C.shaking D.walking3.Having overcome lots of difficulties,___

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/20 04:18:17

几道初三英语日题1.What will you do when you meet _____ the first time? A. at B. on C.in D.for2.She was ______ with anger when she saw the women .A. moving B.exciting C.shaking D.walking3.Having overcome lots of difficulties,___
1.What will you do when you meet _____ the first time?
A. at B. on C.in D.for
2.She was ______ with anger when she saw the women .
A. moving B.exciting C.shaking D.walking
3.Having overcome lots of difficulties,_______,she succeeded
A.above all B.after all c. first all D.in all
4.-What do you often do during the holiday?
-Drop _____ our friend's homes.
A.in B.on C.at D.by
5.Many boys and girls are made _____ what they're not ______.
A.to do ,interested B. to do ,interested in
c.do ,interested D. doing ,interested
6.In China, you shouldn't ______ anyone _______ your fingers.
A.point at, with B.point to, with C.point with,to D.point with, with

几道初三英语日题1.What will you do when you meet _____ the first time? A. at B. on C.in D.for2.She was ______ with anger when she saw the women .A. moving B.exciting C.shaking D.walking3.Having overcome lots of difficulties,___
1 D for the first time 第一次
at the first time 在第一次的时候,一般指已经发生过的事情,根据will判断事情还没发生,应该用for..on和in则根本没有那种搭配
2 C anger是生气的意思,所以从意思来看,只有'气的发抖'-shake符合语境
move 移动
exciting 兴奋的,激动的 词性都不对,它是形容词
walk 散步,走路
3 B after all 最终,终于 只有这个意思对
above all 首先,最重要的是
first all没这个说法,first of all才是首先的意思
in all 总共
4 D drop by和drop in都指非正式的拜访,都符合题意,但drop in是不及物的词组,后面要再加on才可以跟人,drop by是及物的,可以直接跟人,所以答案是drop by
drop on是制服,责备的意思
drop at则是股票,经融用语
5 B make someone to do 是指强制某人做什么,符合题意,句子只是变换成了被动语态.be interested in也是个固定用法,对xxx感兴趣,定语从句what要前置,所以in 不能丢
6 A point at和point to都有指向的意思,但point at通常是指具体的东西,point to一般是指大范围一点的方向,按照题意,应该是指点,指着别人,所以选point at.


a d b a b b



D;C; B; D; B; A


几道初三英语日题1.What will you do when you meet _____ the first time? A. at B. on C.in D.for2.She was ______ with anger when she saw the women .A. moving B.exciting C.shaking D.walking3.Having overcome lots of difficulties,___ 初三英语5道同义句转换题1.what do you mean by the word?2.what will the date be tomorrow?3.what's your ambition4.what else can we do?5.Which is the way to the nearest hospital? 麻烦给我几道英语题的答案(有关世博会)1.What is the full name of Expo 2010?2.What's the emblem look like?3.How long will the Expo last?4.What's the theme of Expo 2010?5.When will the Expo begin?6.When will it end?7.Where is the Exp 初三英语几道题目,求解 初三几道简单英语填空急 几道初三英语改错题.1.What he said caused me sad.2.There seem to have too many people here.3.He not lives here any more. 初三几题英语提 空着的那几道 英语几道改错题what kind of huose does your father live?I will free on sunday,would you like to visit the palace museum with me? 一道初三英语填空题~1.what about reading aloud ____(practice)pronunciation? 几道初三英语句形变换题(同义句)1.Tom finally understood what his problem was.=Tom understood what his problem was _ _ _.2.It seems that you are right.=_ _ _ be right.3.He is no longer a teacher.=He _ a teacher _ _.4.Jayce plays tennis 几道初三的英语题目,只要填上适合的单词就可以了!My father made a kite ____ me .what ____ do you want to buy?where _____have you gone?he went on ___his work after a short rest.I will call you _____ tomorrow.we are ready____ the fin 初三 英语 几道英语题,拜托给解释一下 请详细解答,谢谢! (2 14:13:14)1.Don't   you  remember  me,___    ___(完成反意疑问句)2.Brown  will  be  used  to  ——& 初三 英语 几道英语题,拜托给解释一下 请详细解答,谢谢! (2 14:13:19)1.Don't   you  remember  me,___    ___(完成反意疑问句)2.Brown  will  be  used  to  ——& 初三英语的几道关于时态的选择题 几道初三英语单选和按首字母填空 几道初三英语单选和按首字母填空 几道英语题,要原因1Do you know _____ this time yesterday? A what she is cooking B what is she cooking C what she was cooking D what was she cooking 2No one tell us ____,so we neen your help. A how will we do B what should wo do C how to d 几道初三数学一元二次方程题