英语翻译自从1882年德国人狄赛尔(Rudolf Diesel)提出柴油机工作原理,于1896年制成了第一台柴油机后.凭借其良好的动力性、经济性和耐久性等优点,经过一百多年来柴油机技术得以全面的发展,

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/19 19:00:14

英语翻译自从1882年德国人狄赛尔(Rudolf Diesel)提出柴油机工作原理,于1896年制成了第一台柴油机后.凭借其良好的动力性、经济性和耐久性等优点,经过一百多年来柴油机技术得以全面的发展,
自从1882年德国人狄赛尔(Rudolf Diesel)提出柴油机工作原理,于1896年制成了第一台柴油机后.凭借其良好的动力性、经济性和耐久性等优点,经过一百多年来柴油机技术得以全面的发展,应用领域越来越广泛.柴油机的有害排放物是造成大气污染的一个主要来源,随着环境保护问题重要性的日趋增加,降低柴油机有害排放物这一目标成为当今世界柴油机发展的一个重要方向.随着国民经济的发展,对柴油机的要求越来越高,以前设计的柴油机已不能满足国民经济发展的需要,为此,必须设计制造新一代的柴油机.作为各种机械动力的核心,柴油机性能的好坏,将直接影响各种动力机械的性能.实践表明,内燃机经常在冷却太强(冷却水温40~50℃)下使用时,其零件磨损比正常工作温度(80~90℃)下运转时大好几倍.从提高内燃机循环效率的观点出发,希望通过冷却系统散走的热量尽可能少些,但这必然要受到零件工作可靠性的限制.因为与燃气接触的零件(气缸盖、气缸套、活塞、气门等)受到燃气的强烈加热时,它的强度下降,而且热应力很大.因此,冷却系统的主要任务是保证内燃机在最适宜的温度状态下工作.柴油机润滑系的效能在很大程度上决定了柴油机的可靠性和与此相关的零件寿命.由此可见,润滑系统在柴油机的运转中起着非常重要的作用.良好的润滑是柴油机正常运转的先决条件.

英语翻译自从1882年德国人狄赛尔(Rudolf Diesel)提出柴油机工作原理,于1896年制成了第一台柴油机后.凭借其良好的动力性、经济性和耐久性等优点,经过一百多年来柴油机技术得以全面的发展,
Di Saier German ( Rudolf Diesel ) propose the diesel engine work rule from 1882 ,to 1896 makes behind first diesel engine .
Depending on the strongs point such as such well driving force ,economy and endurance and so on ,the application territory is more and more wide-ranging to the development that after more than 100 the diesel engine technique may be comprehensive .
Pernicious placing in proper order matter of diesel engine is a main origin creating the atmospheric pollution ,and the ading gradually of significance in the wake of the environmental protection problem cut down pernicious placing in proper order matter this target of diesel engine becoming at present the significant orientation that the diesel engine in world was developed .
In the wake of the national economy development ,more and more taller to the diesel engine demand ,the diesel engine previously designed can not content national economy development necessaries ,and for this reason ,have to design manufactures the fresh generation diesel engine .
As the different inflexible driving force core ,the good or bad of diesel engine performance ,by different driving force machine of the immediate effect performances .
The practice makes known ,and the explosive motor constantly is living very much powerful ( cooling water temperature 40 - 50 ℃s ) of cooling when emploing down ,and such spare parts wornout is when turing round down quite a few -fold greatly than the regular work temperature ( 80 - 90 ℃s ) .
Through the raise explosive motor cycle effectiveness concept depart ,wishs amount of heat that by means of the cooling system falls apart as far as possible more a moment ,yet this certainly will be subjected to the spare parts work dependability limits .
For against ignites gas contact spare parts ( cylinder lid ,cylinder case ,piston and valve of a tyre and so on ) are subjected to igniteing gas intense when heating ,its intensity drops ,but also warmhearted stress is very great .
Hence the main mission of cooling system is gurranteing that the explosive motor is living doing below the most fit temperature condition .
The diesel engine lubricate the spare parts that to great extent series usefulness was resolved diesel engine dependability and against this correlation life .
This shows ,lubricate that the system is living that diesel engine turns round is middlely taking the very much significant action .
Well lubricious is the prerequisite list that the diesel engine normality turnd round .

Since 1882 German Disaier (Rudolf Diesel) Diesel principle, in 1896 made the first diesel engine after. With its good power, economy and durability advantages, After 100 years diesel engine technology...


Since 1882 German Disaier (Rudolf Diesel) Diesel principle, in 1896 made the first diesel engine after. With its good power, economy and durability advantages, After 100 years diesel engine technology to the development of a comprehensive, application areas become more extensive. Diesel emissions of harmful air pollution is causing a major source Along with the issue of environmental protection, the growing importance of the increase, Diesel reduce harmful emissions from the goal of becoming the world today Diesel an important development direction. Along with the development of the national economy, the right engine increasingly high demand, Diesel previous design has been unable to meet the needs of national economic development, which require that the design and manufacture of a new generation of diesel engines. Various mechanical power as the core engine performance is good or bad, will have a direct impact on various dynamic mechanical properties. Practice shows that the engine cooling too often (cooling water temperature 40-50 ° C) use, its parts wear than normal temperature (80 ~ 90 ° C) when operating under good times. Raise the efficiency of the internal combustion engine cycle point of view, the hope that the cooling system through casual walk the minimal heat, But this is bound to be parts reliability constraints. Because contact with the gas components (cylinder head, cylinder, piston, valve, etc.) by a strong heating gas, Its intensity decreased, and great thermal stress. Therefore, the cooling system of the main task is to guarantee the internal combustion engine in the most suitable temperature conditions of work. Diesel lubrication system performance to a great extent determines the reliability of the engine and related components life. This shows that the diesel engine lubrication system in the operation plays a very important role. Good diesel engine lubrication is the normal operation of the prerequisites.


英语翻译自从1882年德国人狄赛尔(Rudolf Diesel)提出柴油机工作原理,于1896年制成了第一台柴油机后.凭借其良好的动力性、经济性和耐久性等优点,经过一百多年来柴油机技术得以全面的发展, 用英语翻译 自从1977年他就学英语了 自从我上初中已经两年了 英语翻译 英语翻译德国人向来都很守时的. 海伦是日本人还是德国人呢?英语翻译 英语翻译(RU'R)(URUR)(U'R'UR2)和(R2U)(R'U'RURU)(RU'R) 极端金属去哪儿下崽儿?自从darkworld.ru不能用之后,我的心都碎了,求推荐 用英语翻译“自从微博2006年诞生于美国,就很受网民的欢迎” MR WU说自从1980年以前他就在南京了 英语翻译 英语翻译求三个字的德国人的名字 我觉得她不是德国人就是波兰人.英语翻译(either) 这个火车站自从2003年开始就投入使用了英语翻译所有的事情似乎都发生那么快 英语翻译 自从我上次见到你已经隔很长时间了 英语翻译:自从香港回归中国后,发生了很多的变化. 英语翻译自从初降.有两段选自《古文观止》 我自从七岁起,我就开始滑冰了.用英语翻译 英语翻译del piero .doğru mu yazdım bilmiyorum,gülme sakın Doğru yazdın şekerim,貌似是对话 英语翻译德国制造可以在世界上拥有良好的声誉,也是由于德国人认真的工作态度.德国人的严谨体现在生活、工作和学习等方方面面.主要是写德国人严谨与守时守信,希望能有80字,