
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 18:35:45



Now along with the social economy development,the urbanizedadvancement acceleration,the population rapidly gathers to the citymigration.Population,vehicles quantity unceasing growth,but limitedmay use the land as well as the economical essential factorrestriction actually causes the urban road to expand the increase tobe limited,therefore inevitable brings a series of transportationquestion.In order to alleviate traffic jam,prevented the trafficaccident,the active reason downtown area,constructs the parking lotto become the urgent matter.But the underground parking garage is afirst choice.But can realize the underground parking garage automaticcontrol system.Regards as the key,the use high automationelectromechanical device carries on the security,the effectivemanagement to the parking lot.Reduces the manual participation as faras possible,thus the maximum limit reduced personnel expense and theartificial fault create the loss,greatly enhances the entire parkinglot the security and the use efficiency.

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