The surroundings a child ______ in usually have an effect on his development.[ 1分]A.grows onB.grows upC.grows withD.grows off

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/01 14:55:41

The surroundings a child ______ in usually have an effect on his development.[ 1分]A.grows onB.grows upC.grows withD.grows off
The surroundings a child ______ in usually have an effect on his development.[ 1分]
A.grows onB.grows upC.grows withD.grows off

The surroundings a child ______ in usually have an effect on his development.[ 1分]A.grows onB.grows upC.grows withD.grows off
The surroundings a child ______ in usually have an effect on his development.[ 1分]A.grows onB.grows upC.grows withD.grows off
楼主,这题毫无疑问是选择B答案.grow up:是成长.整句话的意思是:孩子成长的环境对他的发展有影响.


It might not be a perfect solution,but it's the best I can do in the ________.A.environment B.surroundings C.circumstances D.setting We have been told that under no __may we use the telephone in the office for personal affairs.A conditionB envieonmentC circumstanceD surroundings答案C 求详解 The house( )is beautiful,but the surroundings are rather unpleasant.A,by itself b,itself c,for itself d,of itself,为什么? Some kinds of animals can ____ the colour of their surroundings.A、take on B、dress up C、put on D、get into the buildings have been so well designed amd buit that they are harmony withthe____.a.conditions b.circumstances c.surroundings d.situations The surroundings of his house_____clean now.A isB are选什么为什么理由详细谢谢 The __of a movie will decide the way characters speak and act .For instance,people in the 70sdefinitely will not sing a song of Michael Jackson.A.surroundings B.settings C.atmosphere D.scene the finging suggests our brains take in and integrate information from various senses to build a picture of our surroundings . NO noe can avoid___by one's surroundings.(A)to be influenced (B)having influenced (C)influencing (D)being influenced I feel at one with my surroundings.A:When I’m alone in the woods,I feel at one with my surroundings.B:Can you describe the feeling in more detail? 请教几道高中英语 在线等! is easy to ___if he gets used to the surroundings quikly.A. live live C.get along D.survive2.the curious boy took the watch___ to see how it runs.A. apart to B. apart C.apart with D.apart on3.the 高中英语语法单项选择(2)1、The children in this school enjoy a happy ___ ,which benefits them much in the development.A environment B atmosphere C surroundings D airB.我选了C.请问B和C 都表示“环境”,它们各自偏重哪个 30.Tyron was extremely angry,but cool-headed enough to ___ storming into the boss’s office.A.prevent B.prohibit C.turn D.avoid31.There is a ___ difference in meaning between the words “surroundings” and “environment”A.humble B.modest the surroundings of animal is worsening.为什么用is呢 英语翻译翻译But the underlying intent,the challenge laid down to people to look again at their surroundings,struck a chord.thanks~ 26.It is true that the surroundings will _____ one’s work and studies.A.affectB.attendC.alterD.apologize[A]27..I recall____my daughter,the daughter I am now going to visit.A.sight B.sight of see D.seeing[D]28.Regular review leads to _______ pe The surroundings a child ______ in usually have an effect on his development.[ 1分]A.grows onB.grows upC.grows withD.grows off 英语翻译in order to make new students feel less anxious about their new surroundings,it would be beneficial for the school to start a welcoming committee.