
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/19 17:41:23


During my stay in the school,I have been an English daily sales promoter as well as an agent for shampoo lotions.In addition,I have been an attendant in the canteen/dinner hall
I am optimistic and sanguine and am able to get along well with people around.I have a strong sense of responsibility,quite thinking and able to manage things well.In learning and understanding,I have a strong ability to do so.I am able tp adapt and get on very well in my work.

1.At school and had to sell part-time during the English weekly, shampoo and other work also done restaurant waiter.
2.My good humor with the people around them get along, rigorous thinking, doin...


1.At school and had to sell part-time during the English weekly, shampoo and other work also done restaurant waiter.
2.My good humor with the people around them get along, rigorous thinking, doing things well, have a strong sense of responsibility of the job. Ability to study and comprehend a strong ability to quickly accept and go into work.


1.During the period of school once had a part-time sales English weekly, shampoo, etc, but also in the work done in the restaurant.
2.My personality is bright, can get along with the people around...


1.During the period of school once had a part-time sales English weekly, shampoo, etc, but also in the work done in the restaurant.
2.My personality is bright, can get along with the people around, thinking is rigorous, play, a strong sense of responsibility. Ability to learn and comprehend ability is strong, can rapid accept and into the work.


Is correcting the a certain period of time and held concurrent jobs peddle the English weekly、shampoo,waiter is is bing still in the dining hall。】

英语翻译1、在校期间曾兼职过推销英语周报、洗发水等的工作,还在餐厅里做过服务员。2、我性格开朗、能与周围的人融洽相处,思维严谨,处事周全,有很强的工作责任心。学习能力与 英语翻译是在校生,兼职,刚过六级 怎么用英语翻译:在校期间,我曾利用课余时间做过电视、手机、饮料等产品的促销员 英语翻译社会实践与实习经历社会实践 在校期间,做过家教、传单派发员、大型活动宣传员等多种兼职工作.参加南宁第二节汽车交易会开幕式演出.本科期间,积极参加学生工作,有一定的组织 本人曾在上海做过1年专职英语翻译,现在在苏州,想找个兼职的翻译做, 英语翻译1.在校期间尝试过家教,促销员,派单员,话务员等不同的兼职工作,几乎每份工作期间由于工作认真负责,得到上级的好评.2.到岗时间,工作性质,期望月薪3.性格开朗大方,善于与不同背景 英语翻译中翻英熟悉软件测试各个环节的组织、协调、支持功能;热衷于测试软件、客户维护、与管理软件;英语听说读写能力娴熟;熟练掌握办公软件与文件处理.曾在校期间担任学生会宿 英语翻译在校期间学习努力,学习多门专业课程,对外科手术和实验室实验有良好的动手能力。曾在课余时间做过校园推广和电话销售工作,在校担任过两年的社团新闻部部长,锻炼出了良 英语翻译个性随和,平时爱看书,喜欢写作.在校期间做过兼职导游,具有良好的沟通交往能力.有半年的五星酒店西餐厅工作经验,培养了吃苦耐劳的品质和良好的团队协作能力.责任心强,工作认 酒店英语自我介绍我叫***,今年19岁.我的爱好是打羽毛球和爬山,在校期间去光明万丽酒店做过兼职餐饮服务员,大大的提高了我的沟通能力、人际交往的能力和服务能力.我的性格外向,诚实善 英语翻译大学在校期间,曾在德克士打工,并且在咸阳四方旅行社担任导游,在咸阳东方巴黎从事市场调查员工作. 请高手帮忙写英语的自我介绍性格开朗善于与人合作、待人热情,环境适应能力与应变能力较强,能说一口流利的普通话.在校期间曾参加过很多社交活动,也有一定的工作经验.无论在实习期间 英语翻译我是非英语专业的,现在已经工作,大学期间过了四六级现在对英语感兴趣,想报考英语笔译三级,将来做个兼职翻译.不知道这个证拿到有什么用,能做兼职翻译吗? 兼职英语翻译,兼职文秘! 英语翻译例如“在校期间担任职务”,“获奖情况” 英语翻译请一定帮我把语法修改到没错误!以下是中文--------------------------兼职证明Joe 是 顺天乡大学在校本科学生,曾于2009年暑假(7月~8月)在我教育机构兼职 初级韩语 教学工作.特此证明. 汉译英,江湖救急!求片地道英语自我介绍!我四年前毕业于医学院,并随后工作于一县级医院外科,我是一个工作学习都认真踏实的人,在校期间曾获得一次乙等一次甲等奖学金,担任过班长,学生 “在校期间”的英文翻译,