
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 18:39:08


贩卖黑奴的活动最初是在十五世纪才开始的.我们先 来谈一下,这种贩卖黑奴的制度,是在什么样的情况下发展 起来的. 有一批伊斯兰教徒被人们从西班牙赶出之后,就逃到 了海峡对面,非洲海岸去了.当时这一带海岸是葡萄牙人 占领的地方,于是葡萄牙人就拼命追捕这些伊斯兰教居民. 其中有一小部分伊斯兰难民被葡萄牙人捕获,带到葡萄牙 去了.这些人就变成了奴隶,这就是在公元纪年开始,在西 欧出现的第一批非洲黑人奴隶. 但是,这些伊斯兰教徒,大部分都是富有的家族成员, 他们的家族愿意出高价赎回他们.但是不论赎金出多少, 葡萄牙人都拒绝释放奴隶,他们要外国人的钱没有用处,因 为他们缺少的是在新创建的殖民地劳动中,十分需要的人 手,换句话说,就是需要奴隶的劳动力. 伊斯兰教徒的家庭没法赎回自己的亲属,于是就提出 用数量更多的非洲黑人,换回他们的亲属.至于说要捕捉 更多的黑人,那是很容易办的事.葡萄牙人觉得这样交换 对自己有利,所以就同意了,从此欧洲就出现了贩卖黑奴的 交易. 到了十六世纪末叶,这种可耻的交易已被各国普遍接 受,当时各地都还有相当野蛮的风俗,所以并不认为贩卖黑 奴的行径可耻.各国都保护黑奴买卖交易,以便使新大陆 的各个岛屿能够更迅速和稳妥地殖民地化.确实,在南美 这种热带地方,白种人还未服水土,还不适于承受当地的炎 热气候,曾经有成百上千的人死亡;而这种非洲黑人出身的 奴隶,却能忍受这种气候.所以,用特制的黑奴船把黑人运 到美洲殖民地,就成为一种正常的海上货运活动了.这种 横渡大西洋贩卖黑奴的买卖,促使白人在非洲海岸好几个 地方,创建了规模庞大的贩卖黑奴公司.这种黑货”在出 产地非洲并不值钱,但是利润却十分可观. 不过,不论从哪一方面来说,为了建立海外殖民地,人 力总是非常必要的,这当然是不足为贩卖活人的行为进行 辩解.没过多久,反对贩卖黑奴的仁慈呼声就高起来了,大 家要求欧洲各国政府,按照人道主义的原则,颁布取消贩卖 黑奴的法令. 1751 年公谊会①教友派领导了在美洲北部开展的 取消奴隶制运动,此后一百年就在北美爆发了美国的南北 战争,这个奴隶制度问题,在北美洲是大家都十分关心的问 题.当时北美许多州,例如弗吉尼亚、康涅狄格、马萨诸 塞、宾夕法尼亚等州都下令取消了贩卖黑奴交易,并且把贩 卖黑奴公司花了很多钱运到各州来的黑奴,都解放了,恢复 了他们的自由.


Sell the Negro slave's activity to at the beginning just start in 15 centuries.This kind of system which sells a Negro slave we talk first once, , is what kind of under the circumstance develop. There...


Sell the Negro slave's activity to at the beginning just start in 15 centuries.This kind of system which sells a Negro slave we talk first once, , is what kind of under the circumstance develop. There is a batch of Islamites drive people are from Spain after expel, escaped straits opposite, the African coast went.This taking a coast be the place that the Portuguese capture, hence the Portuguese tried very hard to pursue and arrest these Islamism residents at that time. Have among them one small parts of Yi Si orchid the refugee be succeed in catching by the Portuguese and took Portugal to go.These people became a slave, this be the annual beginning in A.D., the first African black slave for appear in west Europe. But, these Islamite, greatly the parts be all full of household members, their household would like to the costliness claim pawned article them.But in spite of ransom how much, the Portugueses all refuse to release a slave, they want money of foreigner of no use, because what they be in need of is person's hand which needs very in the lately- establish colony labor, in other words, be the labor force which needs a slave. The family of Islamite can not claim pawned article an own relatives, hence put forward using amount more African blacks, change to return to their relativeses.As for say that catches more blacks, that is to permit a manageable matter very much.The Portuguese feel so the commutation be beneficial to oneself, so agree, from now on Europe appeared to sell the Negro slave's bargain. 16 centuries, end of a century, this kind of shameful bargain has already been been widespread by all countries to accept and everyplace still had equal and savage customs at that time, so don't think that the behavior which sells black Nu is shameful.All countries all protect a Negro slave business to trade, in order to make each group of islands of New Continent more quick with steadily colonization.Really, at this kind of tropical place in South America, the white man hasn't taken Water and soil and return unwell in bear the region of blazing hot weather, once have results to show 100 up thousand of person death;But this kind of African black be from of slave, but can bear with this kind of weather.So, carry the black to the American colony with the Negro slave ship of specially made, became a kind of normal sea freight transportation an activity.This kind of sails across the business that Atlantic Ocean sells a Negro slave, urge white man a place at quite a few in the African coast and established the scale hugely sells Negro slave's company.This kind of contraband goods"at habitat Africa be worthless, but the profits be very considerable. However, no matter which it is, on the other hand say, for building up oversea colony, the manpower is always very necessary, this certainly is shortage for sell to live a person of the behavior carry on defense.Didn't be excessive and long, the objection sold the Negro slave's kindness noise of shouting to get up for the Gao, everyone requested governments in European all countries, according to the principle of humanitarianism, promulgate the ordinance that the cancel sells a Negro slave. In 1751 male Yi would ① fellow believer the parties led to open the cancel slave system of exhibition sport in American the north, henceforth broke out the south north war of the United States in North America for 100 years and the system problem of this slave is the problem that everyone concerns very.At that time many states in North America, for example Fu Ji the Ni was second, the Kang Nie Di space, Ma3 Sa4 Zhu fill, the guest Xi method Ni second etc. states all issued order that canceling to sell a Negro slave trade, and sold Negro slave's company to spend a lot of money carried to each state of Negro slave, all relieved, recovered them of freedom.
