有耐心的朋友把认为是正确的答案回复下,1.There is __B___ egg on the table._____egg is for you.A.a; A B.an; An C.an; The D.the; An2.Who___A__ to join the music club?My sister ______.A.wants; does B.want; do C.wants; do D.like; does3.We

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 11:45:24

有耐心的朋友把认为是正确的答案回复下,1.There is __B___ egg on the table._____egg is for you.A.a; A B.an; An C.an; The D.the; An2.Who___A__ to join the music club?My sister ______.A.wants; does B.want; do C.wants; do D.like; does3.We
1.There is __B___ egg on the table._____egg is for you.
A.a; A B.an; An C.an; The D.the; An
2.Who___A__ to join the music club?My sister ______.
A.wants; does B.want; do C.wants; do D.like; does
3.We have __D___ classes _____ Saturday and Sunday.
A.not; on B.no; on C.not; in D.no; for
4.___D___ your brother often _______ the music at home?
A.Does; listen B.Do; listen to C.Is; listening D.Does; listen to
5.My mother plays __C___ violin very ______.
A.the; good B.the; well C./; nice D.the; fine
6.My father doesn’t like eggs,rice ___C___ vegetable.
A.but B.and C.or D.so
7.___B__ do you come to China?Because I like working here.
A.What B.How C.Where D.Why
8.Your brother ___D___ his homework on Sundays.
A.doesn’t do B.aren’t do C.don’t do D.doesn’t
9.Someone in our class ____B________.
A.liking playing soccer B.likes playing chess
C.like watch TV D.like watching TV
10.I ___B___ the book _____ very interesting.
A.think; isn’t B.thinks; not C.don’t think; is D.don’t think; isn’t
11.____________________?They are about thirty dollars.
A.How much is it B.How much are these pants
C.How old are you D.What are they
12.It’s very kind of you ______ help me with my English.
A.in B.with C.to D.and
13.China is a country ______ a long history.
A.with B.in C.has D.have
14.Your sister is ______ years old.And today is her _______ birthday.
A.twelve; twelfth B.twelfth; twelve
C.twelve; twelve D.twelfth; twelfth
15.Fifty dollars _____ in my pocket (口袋).
A.is B.are C.can’t D.aren’t

有耐心的朋友把认为是正确的答案回复下,1.There is __B___ egg on the table._____egg is for you.A.a; A B.an; An C.an; The D.the; An2.Who___A__ to join the music club?My sister ______.A.wants; does B.want; do C.wants; do D.like; does3.We
1、C 这个就不用解释了吧
2、A 三单用wants ;因为英语中避免动词重复,所以用do替代前面的动词,三单用does
3、B have no classes 固定搭配.第二个空不能写for ,具体到某一天只能用on.
4、D 三单
5、B 乐器前面有冠词,well修饰play
7、D why 和because 常见搭配
8、A doesn’t助动词,必须还的有一个动词do
10、C think 否定在前面.
11、B 根据回答可以知道是问价钱的
12、C 固定句型 It’s very kind of you to do sth
13、A 不能用动词了,因为句子中有动词is了, with 在这里表状态,中国是拥有一段长历史的国家.
14、A 数次与序数词的用法,根据翻译可以填出.
15、A 钱不可数
这题目主要考的第三人称单数的情况,也就是动词要加S,do 变成 does 的情况,我写的答案绝对正确,无半点差错.不信你可以投票.

有耐心的朋友把认为是正确的答案回复下,1.There is __B___ egg on the table._____egg is for you.A.a; A B.an; An C.an; The D.the; An2.Who___A__ to join the music club?My sister ______.A.wants; does B.want; do C.wants; do D.like; does3.We 英语翻译麻烦把上面的地址翻译成中文,有位朋友想确认这个地址,如有知道的朋友请回复,应该是:NO21(G/F),上面的漏写了,后面是正确的,链接上就好. 有耐心的 翻译 rt..翻译 有耐心的 形容有耐心的词语 有耐心的人帮忙 2010年英语专四答案刚考完2010年英语专四,想对答案,估下分数.请知道的朋友回复我哦,非常感谢~~ 关于交通事故的作文的题目应该是什么呢?第一名回复的并且答案是正确的人,给分~ 字谜“连日有雨”的答案是:1、与天气相关的字 2、与天气无关的字.回复正确选项序号 用数学归纳法证明一般式的柯西不等式.!!!要过程不会的别占位,把机会留给有能力有耐心的朋友,谢谢! 我喜欢打乒乓球 的 英语是 I like playing ping-pong或I like play ping-pong或把你认为正确的答案给我 急 用数学归纳法证明(a1+a2+...+an)*(1/a1+1/a2+...1/an)>=n^2其中a1,a2,...an为正整数请别占位,把机会留给有能力有耐心的朋友 有耐心,忍耐的,的英语翻译 英语翻译最准确的我以前都认为是 Fashion password ...谢谢这么多朋友的回答,汗 到底哪个正确? 有耐心的用英语怎么说 劝人有耐心的谚语 有耐心的(形容词) 英文翻译 马克思主义认为,是正确还是错误的?