be of use for you 还是 be of use to you并请说明缘由!

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 14:34:39

be of use for you 还是 be of use to you并请说明缘由!
be of use for you 还是 be of use to you

be of use for you 还是 be of use to you并请说明缘由!
be of use to you
固定搭配咯,对你来说有用,to you.
要用for的话,就是be useful for you



be of use for you 还是 be of use to you并请说明缘由! You use this set of keys for .if you think that would be of more use.Alternatively,we could bring in a consultant for a more traditional seminar if you think that would be of more use.请问这里的of more use.有这种用法吗? 768.The loss was due to the use of substandard bags for which you should be responsible.for which what kinds of things can you use a bike for 英语定语从句 “the information of about famous people”Have you found the information of about famous people______you can use for the report?用 which 还是 who? 英语翻译So,was the tent not suitable for you,sir?No,not at all.It was far too small to be of use. To Be of Use 歌词 be busy 什么 on还是of还是for还是with 请问:may not be是表示可以不行,还是一定不行?那么在这句话中呢:You may not use any of this word more than once? 怎样译“it may be of use to you.”原整句是“who knows,one day,it may be of use to you” it is good of还是for you, study French have fun use up be afraid of feel strangestudy French have fun use up be afraid of feel strangeIf you don't know to plan the time ,you ____all of it soon They want to travel to Paris ,so they think that ______is mecessary for them now Hi 请翻译:For some time people have been wondering what use can be made of material. 应该在哪里断句,谢谢should be short for ease of use in programming Perhaps this book will prove to be of use to you in your studies的语法 翻译 你过去害怕独自一人呆着吗?翻译 Did you use to be afraid of--- --- 急用