谁能帮我看一下这个句子哪里语法不规范吗?顺便帮改下 What's more terrible is that the patients who give themselves treatment by using the computers instead of seeing a doctor sometimes might be misdiagnosed and their illness will

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 23:43:56

谁能帮我看一下这个句子哪里语法不规范吗?顺便帮改下 What's more terrible is that the patients who give themselves treatment by using the computers instead of seeing a doctor sometimes might be misdiagnosed and their illness will
What's more terrible is that the patients who give themselves treatment by using the computers instead of seeing a doctor sometimes might be misdiagnosed and their illness will be more serious,which will lead to the serious consequence.

谁能帮我看一下这个句子哪里语法不规范吗?顺便帮改下 What's more terrible is that the patients who give themselves treatment by using the computers instead of seeing a doctor sometimes might be misdiagnosed and their illness will
What is worse,the patients,who seek for treatment by using computers instead of by seeing a doctor,sometime may be misdiagnosed ,which will lead their illness to be more serious.



恩,语法没问题。在适当的 地方再断一下句,看起来就更明了了

谁能帮我看一下这个句子哪里语法不规范吗?顺便帮改下 What's more terrible is that the patients who give themselves treatment by using the computers instead of seeing a doctor sometimes might be misdiagnosed and their illness will 帮我看看这个句子语法哪里不规范?Although we all know Failure is the mother of success,few people can really know what to do with failure. 谁能帮我看一下这个程序哪里错了? 请高人帮我看一下我这个句子的语法对吗?Hong Kong students are very busy at school 看一下哪里语法不规范? 顺便帮改下With the rapid development of science and technology, many inventions, one of which is the disposable plastic bag, have been made to make our daily life convenient. 帮我看一下这个句子,拼写与语法有错误吗?hardware factory The specialized hardware processing factory,please calling 问一个英语句子语法问题Just in a trice, his famous books were claimed to be out of stock.这句话哪里语法不规范? 请问谁能帮我分析一下这个英语句子的结构,语法,句子成分?She needs help walking.我知道这里help是名词,不知道怎么解释为什么walk要加ing,是什么词组吗?还是什么其他用法 帮忙看一下这个句子My special life will be continued.语法对吗? 谁能进来帮我看一下这道改错题,看看要怎么改啊More recently,therefore ,the educated Eskimos have been voicing over the interests of those in rural area.句子大概就是这个样子了,谁会看的出来这句在哪里有语法上 我是韩国人~帮我看一下这几个句子里面有没有语法上的错误~ 帮我看看这个句子语法对吗?where are you come form?你来自哪里, 判断一个句子是否正确是不是首先要看一下语法正确 第二要读 看一下是否符合逻辑.They finished the work deliberately.这个句子对吗. 英语句子里 看得懂里面的单词却看不懂这句话的意思比如一句话,我看得懂里面的单词但怎么读都读不懂这个句子是什么意思,我是语法不行吗,我该如何学习. 英文标题大写The content and the comparison of eparation after the extraction of chlorophyll with different solvents 请哪位看能不能将这个标题规范一下,我不知道哪个大写哪个小写~ 帮我看下这个句子有没有语病!如果一个人没有熟悉书法,那么他们自然所写出的字一般都是由直线组成的不规范“行楷体” 大家帮我看下这个英语句子语法有问题吗?He was reading while his brother was playing.不知道主句与从句能不能同为过去进行时? We eat up breakfast.[句子错误] 本句语法不规范,请检查!