They __ shares in a new stock market.A Bought B have bought C was buying 应该选哪个?不好意思,C选项是were buying

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 00:21:52

They __ shares in a new stock market.A Bought B have bought C was buying 应该选哪个?不好意思,C选项是were buying
They __ shares in a new stock market.A Bought B have bought C was buying 应该选哪个?
不好意思,C选项是were buying

They __ shares in a new stock market.A Bought B have bought C was buying 应该选哪个?不好意思,C选项是were buying
C肯定不行的,they was buying这个是语法上的错误,they were buying 才对的.
B跟A的话,have bought shares 语境上是不对的,他们已经买了股份,一般会有already,或者时间段的,但是没有.
所以答案是A.过去时,They _bought_ shares in a new stock market.
按照楼主修改的话,我们假设给个语境,what were they doing?they were buying shares...这句话是行得通的.
they bought shares是过去时,他们在新的股票市场买了股份,这句话也行的通,A/C感觉都行得通啊.


They __ shares in a new stock market.A Bought B have bought C was buying 应该选哪个?不好意思,C选项是were buying 这个句子应该怎么填空,请大家帮帮我They __ shares in a new stock market. A Bought B have bought C was buying 应该选哪个? There are___seasons in a year They are__,__,__, spring,itis warm and __. 英语翻译许多原创歌曲都很优美.__ __ __ are __ __.他们已经举办了好几场大型音乐会.they __ __ quite a few __ __.这场音乐盒曾在深圳轰动一时.the concert __ __ __ __ __ in Shenzhen.你最喜欢什么乐队?what's __ They arrived __ London __ the morning of July 1A in;inB on;inC in;onD at;on They are __ a visit __ London A in ;of B on; to C of;to D at; of 英语翻译原句:In a breakdown by category,companies registered and listed overseas,or red-chips,and mainland-based firms listed overseas,or H-shares,are likely to absorb 250$billion yuan($33billion)once they issue A shares to demestic investors,a 英语翻译a portfolio consisting of long position in 100 shares anda short position in one option. They will __ a sports meeting in our school next Monday,Mom.(have,be) They are all against __(build)a new zoo in town They never knew what __(happen)to the world in a hundred years they can't see __ flowers in the picturesome any a an They never knew what __(happen)to the world in a hundred years They all __ me good luck in the new year.A.hope B.wish they are served in bowls which everyone shares though each person has their own bowl of rice什么意 He said that __ rain they couldn't go A in caseB in case of C in that caseD if 英语翻译So companies turn to the public,inviting people to lend them money,or take a share in the business in exchange for a share in future profits.This they do by issuing stocks and shares in the business is new development if they are to serve dematerialize FINANCE in trading shares,bonds etc,to change from a system base