一个小立方块的六面分别标有字母a,b,c,d,e,f,如图是从三个不同方向看到的情形,你能说出abe对面分别是什么字母吗?你是怎样判断的?1.前面A 上面D右面E2.前面E上面C右面B3.前面A上面B右面F

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 19:52:20

一个小立方块的六面分别标有字母a,b,c,d,e,f,如图是从三个不同方向看到的情形,你能说出abe对面分别是什么字母吗?你是怎样判断的?1.前面A 上面D右面E2.前面E上面C右面B3.前面A上面B右面F
1.前面A 上面D右面E

一个小立方块的六面分别标有字母a,b,c,d,e,f,如图是从三个不同方向看到的情形,你能说出abe对面分别是什么字母吗?你是怎样判断的?1.前面A 上面D右面E2.前面E上面C右面B3.前面A上面B右面F
分析A 看1,3图 与A相邻是DE,与BF所以剩下是C 当然是AC相对
分析B 看2,3图 与B相邻是CE,与AF所以剩下是D 当然是BD相对
分析E 看1,2图 与E相邻是DA与BC所以剩下是F当然是EF相对

A不能对DE、不能对BF 所以A对C
B不能对CE、不能对AF 所以B对D


Local and regional trade shows generally don't throw you any surprises, but if you'll be exhibiting at an overseas exhibition or conference,The Hair Straightener, it's vital that you understand intern...


Local and regional trade shows generally don't throw you any surprises, but if you'll be exhibiting at an overseas exhibition or conference,The Hair Straightener, it's vital that you understand international business etiquette. If you create a situation in which visitors to your trade show booth are uncomfortable or feel slighted, you can damage relationships with international customers that may take months to repair. Pleading ignorance isn't an excuse. It's your responsibility to understand the business protocol of every country and culture.Respect Visitors' StatusInternational businesses don't send lower-level employees to represent them internationally. If a company has flown a representative into Washington DC or Los Angeles from halfway around the world, you can be sure that person has the power to make crucial decisions. Respect his or her status. Introduce any international visitors to the person from your company who has the most seniority and the most freedom to close a deal. Be sure you introduce any visitors to your trade show booth by both their name and their title, and do the same when introducing your own team. Be Aware Of Your Body Language And TheirsTrade show booth staff members who look unapproachable aren't going to win over any international customers. On the other hand,T3 Hair Straightener, being too casual can be disconcerting or even offensive to some cultures. Watch their gestures and match them when possible. If someone keeps a discreet distance of one to two feet between their body and yours,Babyliss Hair Straightener, don't try to breach it. Does the person bow to you or offer a hand? Don't ever force someone to shake your hand. Also be aware that too much eye contact can be considered invasive in some cultures. Making eye contact is crucial, but don't maintain contact for too long if the person you're talking to seems uncomfortable. Any time an international guest enters your trade show booth area, stand to greet them. Some cultures take offense if a person is greeted by someone who remains seated. Don't Use Slang Or MetaphorsWhile metaphors or analogies can paint a clear picture for anyone who speaks English as their first language, they really don't translate properly. Even if an international visitor seems to speak English fluently when they approach your trade show booth, be aware that they've probably learned a formal, business version of the language that doesn't use colorful phrases or slang. Formal English is best in any stand, but it becomes crucial when you're talking to international visitors. If you mean yes,Hair Straighteners Ceramic, say so; many international business men and women will be offended if you say,Flat Iron Hair Straighteners, "Yeah," as it doesn't convey the proper respect for them or their company. Formal English conveys dignity, respect, and the proper gravity of a business relationship.Observe Social Niceties At Your Trade Show BoothIn some cultures, it is rude to immediately begin 'talking shop.' Don't launch into a sales pitch the minute an international visitor walks into your trade show booth. A polite inquiry into how they are enjoying their stay or what their opinion of a conference speaker is will personalize the relationship. Immediately starting a business conversation without exchanging pleasantries will seem gauche to some executives.If you feel like you need to brush up on cultural etiquette before you work at your next trade show booth, order one of the many books available on the market. They will give you valuable advice for properly engaging customers from anywhere in the world.


一个小立方块的六面分别标有字母a,b,c,d,e,f,如图是从三个不同方向看到的情形,你能说出abe对面分别是什么字母吗?你是怎样判断的 一个小立方块的六面分别标有字母A,B,C,D,E,F,如图是从三个不同方向看到的情形,则A,B,E的对面分别是( ) 一个小立方块的六个面分别标有字母A,B ,C ,D ,E ,F,从三个不同方向 看到的情形如图所示.一个小立方块的六个面分别标有字母A,B C D E 从三个不同方向 看到的情形如图所示,你能说出A,B E 对 一个小立方块六个面分别标有字母A,B,C,D,E,F,从三个不同方向看到的情形如图所示,你能说出A,B,E,对面分别是什么字母吗?你是怎么判断的? 一个小立方块的六面分别标有字母a,b,c,d,e,f,如图是从三个不同方向看到的情形,你能说出abe对面分别是什么字母吗?你是怎样判断的?1.前面A 上面D右面E2.前面E上面C右面B3.前面A上面B右面F 一个小立方块分别标有字母A.B.C.D.E.F 用不同的角度看 A.B.E对面分别是什么 一个小立方体的六个面,分别标有1、2、3、4、5、6,也就是每个面代表一个数,把这 (见补充)一个小立方体的六个面,分别标有1、2、3、4、5、6,也就是每个面代表一个数,把这个小立方块随意抛 把一个正方体的六面分别标上字母 用小立方块搭一个几何体,使它的主视图和俯视图如图所示,俯视图中小正方形中的字母表示在该位置小立方块的个数,请问:a,b,c各表示几?这个几何体最少是由几个小正方块搭成?最多呢?当d=e=1 正方形图 题如下一个正方体的表面涂满了颜色,将它切成27个大小相等的小立方块,设有i个面(1,2,3,)涂有颜色的小立方块的个数为xi,则 x1、x2、x3之间的关系是?A.x1-x2+x3=1 B.x1+x2-x3=1C.x1+x2-x3=2 D.x 大哥大姐今天就要交作业咯!四块正方体积木,每块积木的6个面分别写着A B C D E F G;每块积木上字母的排列顺序相同第一个积木:上面E 正面F 右面C第二个积木:上面F 正面B 右面C第三个积木 一个正方体的六个面,分别写着a、b、c、d、e、f六个字母,根据以下4张图,推测B的对面是什么字母 一个正方体的六个面,分别写着a、b、c、d、e、f六个字母,根据以下4张图,推测B的对面是什么字母( ) 一个立方体的六个面上分别标有字母A、B、C、D、E、F, 右图是此立方体的两种不同放置一个立方体的六个面上分别标有A、B、C、D、E、F,右图是此立方体的两种不同放置,则与D面相对的面上的 六块相同的小正方形A、B、C、D、E、F 排成如下平面图,试问:它能否成为一个正方体的展开图?如能,请写 出相对的面,如不能,请调整其中的某一块正方形的位置 (其余不动),使调整后的排列 把一个正方体的六个面分别标上A,B,C,D,E,F,然后向上抛出,出现字母A的可能性是多少,出现字母B的可能性是多少,说明出现A和B的可能性是多少 一个立方体的六面’分别写着abcdef六个字母 一个六面涂色的正方体木块,把它切成64块大小相同的小正方体.三面图色的小正方体有多少块?2面涂色的小正得列竖式啊