
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 04:48:26


《sister carrie》is written by American writer Theodore Dreiser,who in this work carefully depicted an image that was in quest for the american dream.
it describes carrie's meditation and exploration on the human nature during her dream-seeking voyage,and reveals the disillusionment of the american society in his time.

Sister Carrie is a character of a chaser of American dream, meticulously depicted by American novelist Theodore Dreiser. The story is about the cogitation and probe of the essence of life during Carrie's pursuit, which reflected the transcience of American society.

'Sister Carrie' is an American dream searcher carefully described by American writer TheodoreDreiser. The article describes how Carrie thinks and discovers the most essential thing of life when chasing after her dream. It indicates the American society at that time was dreamy and unreal.

Sister Carrie, created by Theodore dreiser, is the commitments of American dream . The novel describes Sister Carrie's reflection and exploring of essence of life during her chasing American dreams. At the same time it describes the illusion of American society at that time.

英语翻译《嘉莉妹妹》是美国作家西多.德莱塞精心刻画的一个美国梦的追者形象。本文描述了嘉莉在追梦程中对人生本质的思考与探索.描绘了当时的美国社会需虚幻。 这书是美国作家著作的英语翻译这书是美国作家著作的英文翻译《人性的弱点》这书是美国作家戴尔卡耐基写的 海明威是一个美国作家英语怎么翻译 是美国作家( )的作品,鲁滨孙给我们的启示是( ) 《嘉莉妹妹》故事梗概谢谢 我妹妹的婚礼是我们家的大事英语翻译 其中一些橘汁是给我妹妹的.英语翻译 英语翻译妹妹用的 嘉莉妹妹的参考书目?大虾们, 求:嘉莉妹妹的简介 哥哥比妹妹多1,5倍,哥哥给妹妹2元后,妈妈又给,妹妹2,5,哥哥还比妹妹多4元,哥哥的零用钱是妹妹的1.5倍,哥哥给妹妹2元后,妈妈又给妹妹2元,哥哥还比妹妹多4元,原来哥哥。妹妹各有多少元 英语翻译美国作家杰罗姆•戴维•塞林格是二十世纪经典小说《麦田里的守望者》的作者,针对这部作品的评论一百年来一直不断,这是一部有着深刻寓意的象征作品,文中充斥着大量的 你妹妹怎么了?英语翻译! 英语翻译我妹妹西黄画画他的名字叫John这鱼不新鲜我的妹妹喜欢画画 “妹妹英语拼写是拼写“妹妹这个词 戴着帽子的那个女孩是TOM的妹妹英语翻译听老师说按英语翻译为 那个女孩戴着帽子的是TOM的妹妹。 哥哥的零花钱是妹妹的1.5倍,哥哥给妹妹4元,妈妈又给妹妹5元,这时哥哥比妹妹多8元.原来哥哥、妹妹各有多少元? 英语翻译1.那个拿着一本书的女孩是我的妹妹2.我们学校的总人数是两千多