你最好开会别迟到you‘d better ()be late for the meeting是not还是dont

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 14:40:55

你最好开会别迟到you‘d better ()be late for the meeting是not还是dont
you‘d better ()be late for the meeting

你最好开会别迟到you‘d better ()be late for the meeting是not还是dont
not you'd better =you had better

你最好开会别迟到you‘d better ()be late for the meeting是not还是dont 下次开会别迟到 明天开会别迟到 英语翻译 翻译:开会别迟到了. 翻译:我现在正忙着呢,你最好请别人和你玩 I'm busy now,so you ’d better ask( )with you. 你最好别抽烟(had better)翻译 如果你开会迟到了,你的老板可能会生气 You'd better go to bed or you will be late tomorrow.这句话 通不呢 是不是说你最好去睡觉否则明天迟到 You'd 是什么于是呢 还有you will be late 大家真是辛苦了 呵 无法用分数来表达 呵呵 你最好不要长时间看电视:you'd better not watch TV ( )( )( )( ) 你最好少说话,多干活.You“d better talk_______but do _______. you'd better ___ ___ in class.你最好课上记笔记 (英语翻译)你最好每天喝开水. You 'd better drink ___ ___ every day . 你最好向那个警察问路.You'd better __ _ _ _ _ 完成句子你最好尽快离开这里 You'd better leave here ----英语翻译 Don't worry.There__________(be)plenty of time.怎么填还有一个和他相处很不容易,你最好别和他开玩笑He is not easy to ______ ______ ______.You'd better not play a joke on him 1.You'd better ___ ___ us ____ for so long 你最好别让我们等那么长时间2.His mother is going to ___ ___(开始)a good hobby in cokking 开会迟到会怎么样? 英语翻译外面风很大,你最好穿上你的外套.The wind____________outside.You'd better put on your coat.