用There be+ n.+V.ing+sth.造3个句子

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 22:36:32

用There be+ n.+V.ing+sth.造3个句子
用There be+ n.+V.ing+sth.造3个句子

用There be+ n.+V.ing+sth.造3个句子
There is a cow eating the grass.有一头牛在吃草.
There are some birds drinking water.一些鸟在喝水.
There is a dog running a mouse.一只狗在追老鼠.

There are some robots working in the factories.
There is a boy crying on the street.
There are some boys playing on the playground.
There is a girl singing in the next room.

There are some boys playing basketball on the playground.
There is a bied singing in the tree.
There are some students having class in the classroom.

there is his reading the newspaper
there is her playing basketball
there is her doing homework

用There be+ n.+V.ing+sth.造3个句子 magine sb to be/v-ing/n 怎么用 是不是There be +动词ing? there be句型中动词都用ing形式吗 用be busy in v-ing怎么造句 关于There be sb/sth doing 的疑惑,请高人指点.There be 句型本身是倒装结构,而一个句子里如果同时有be动词和实义动词,就用be+V-ing或者be+V-ed形式.此处的there be 后带doing 也可以这样理解吗? 请问There be+名词+V+ing+介词短语这是个什么类型的句子?能造个句给我看吗?请问There be+名词+V+ing+介词短语,这是个什么类型的句子?能造个句给我看吗? there be中如何用ing 英语作业中是n+ing 还是v+ing? what/how about n/v+ing? what about n/v ing是什么? He stands there (waiting) for the bus.这里用V-ing为什么? 英语翻译(1)每逢元宵节,都有冰灯展出.(用there be句型)(2)听到这个消息,他高兴得跳了起来.(V.-ing)(3)杰克穿上新衣裳,到广场去看冰灯.(dress up)注:用高一的水平 现在正在进行时主语+be+v-ing+______+另一主语+v_____+主语+be+v-ing+另一主语+v 过去正在进行时主语+be+v-ing+______+另一主语+v_____+主语+be+v-ing+另一主语+v there be 后面的动词一定是ing的吗 be动词后一定要加v.ing吗的 1)My Community要求:用There be句型并经常换句型,注意There be 后面若接有动词,必用v-ing形式.注意:不管你写什么楼啊火车站啊等等,但必须写Community service centre(社区服务中心)才给分.不要用太