定语从句题:I adore my English teacher because he can always create an atmosphere ______I adore my English teacher because he can always create an atmosphere ______ all the students feel respected and cared for.\x05A.that B.when C.where D.which

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/13 21:33:07

定语从句题:I adore my English teacher because he can always create an atmosphere ______I adore my English teacher because he can always create an atmosphere ______ all the students feel respected and cared for.\x05A.that B.when C.where D.which
定语从句题:I adore my English teacher because he can always create an atmosphere ______
I adore my English teacher because he can always create an atmosphere ______ all the students feel respected and cared for.
\x05A.that B.when C.where D.which
为什么不选BD我很清楚,可是为什么不选A呢?that不是等于in which吗?

定语从句题:I adore my English teacher because he can always create an atmosphere ______I adore my English teacher because he can always create an atmosphere ______ all the students feel respected and cared for.\x05A.that B.when C.where D.which
这里的 where 在句中引导定语从句,但是它在定语从句中作地点状语,而不是作主语或宾语,所以不能用 that 替换

atomosphere 一种氛围 in such an atomesphere, all the students feel respected...在这样一种氛围里... 要用where表环境、地点。

我们说在。。样的气氛下,是under the atmosphere, 这实际是地点状语,所以用where。
当你迷茫时,就将其还原成陈述句,一目了然。可是为什么不能选A呢。。。that为啥不可以替代关系副词that是关系代词,他只能代替atmosphere, 不能代替under the atmosphere, 能代替under the atmosphere的是关系副词 where,假如是 ...


我们说在。。样的气氛下,是under the atmosphere, 这实际是地点状语,所以用where。
