拜托把下面句子合并为一个并列句:we live in a small apartment.my aunt live with us.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 09:57:16

拜托把下面句子合并为一个并列句:we live in a small apartment.my aunt live with us.
拜托把下面句子合并为一个并列句:we live in a small apartment.my aunt live with us.

拜托把下面句子合并为一个并列句:we live in a small apartment.my aunt live with us.
we live in a small apartment with my aunt.

We and my aunt all live in a small apartment.
or We live in a small apartment with my aunt.

we live in a small apartment and my aunt live(s要加S) with us.

we live in a small apartment and my aunt live with us

拜托把下面句子合并为一个并列句:we live in a small apartment.my aunt live with us. 拜托把下面句子合并为一个并列句:i have covered fifty pages,you have read only twenty. 拜托把下面句子合并为一个并列句:i have covered fifty pages,you have resd only twenty. 用定语从句把多个简单句合并成主从复合句.高手帮忙!多个简单句或并列句,若相互之间有从属关系,可以合并为一个主从合并句. 用定语从句把下列各组句子分别联成一个句子.1.the guests were sur 把下面2个句子用in order to 连接合并一个句子.We must spend more time studying.We can do better in the exam. ```把下面的两个句子合并为一句```急The examination is easy .You can pass it easily. 把两个句孑合并成一个句子 把下面2个句子用as a result 连接合并一个句子.It rained hard.We had to put off the sports meeting. They always listen to music.They often go to concerts.(将两句合并为一个并列句) 把下面两个小句子合并成一个句子妈妈叫我.我看电视.(急!) 用关联词把下面两个句子合并为一个客家民居经受过无数次地震撼东,风雨侵蚀以及炮火攻击.客家民居安然无恙 We found some boys in the room.They were playing chess.(合并为一个句子) 把句子合并为一句:our shoes are clean.theirs are dirty 英语感叹句的改法和 怎样把句子合并为一句 把下列句子合并为一句.5.Why did you change your job Mum asked. 用关联词语把下面两个句子合并成一个句子.低头唉声叹气.振作精神发奋努力. yesterday l climbed a mountain.it was very high(把两个句子合为一个句子,句意不变) She is twelve.I am twelve too.合并为一句把上面的句子合并为一句,格式是:()the same ( ) ( ) she.