也做对了,但是对于其中的原因,我还是模棱两可,希望大家指教一1.who can you turn for help,if not ----?A.him B he C.his D.himself2.Do you expect -----to be a possibility that we shall be able to afford the particular furniture we

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 08:27:51

也做对了,但是对于其中的原因,我还是模棱两可,希望大家指教一1.who can you turn for help,if not ----?A.him B he C.his D.himself2.Do you expect -----to be a possibility that we shall be able to afford the particular furniture we
1.who can you turn for help,if not ----?
A.him B he C.his D.himself
2.Do you expect -----to be a possibility that we shall be able to afford the particular furniture we need.
A:there B that C one D it
3.i am sorry sir,i----the work last monday,but i was too busy.
A ought to B should finish C must have finished D was to have finished
4.it was with great delight that i read in your February ----the letter to the Editor written by Prof Johnson
A issue B item C magazineDcopy
5.if you put too many potatoes in that paper ---bag it wii-------
A blow B explode C crack D burst
6.walking down the street,she noticed a long-----of houses,all exactly alike.
A queue B rank C train D row
7.try not to begain every sentence with "the" .-----the beginnings of your sentence.
A vary B decorate C from D describe
8.i will be off on business next month.if you write letters and E-mails to me ,please -----all mails to Mr.zhang
A send B give C addressD pass
9.Applea are usually sole by ----weight and eggs are sometimes sold by ---doze
A the the B \ a C \ the D the a
10.when people move to another country ,they often try ----the customs of their native land.
A to keep on B to keep off C to keep up D keeping up

也做对了,但是对于其中的原因,我还是模棱两可,希望大家指教一1.who can you turn for help,if not ----?A.him B he C.his D.himself2.Do you expect -----to be a possibility that we shall be able to afford the particular furniture we
1.who can you turn for help,if not ----?
A.him B he C.his D.himself
句子的主语是you,宾语是who ,所以从句中的空格就得对应用上宾格,就是答案A.句子意思:假如你不向他求助,你能向谁求助呢?
2.Do you expect -----to be a possibility that we shall be able to afford the particular furniture we need.
A:there B that C one D it
这个考的是it的用法,它代替的是that we shall be able to afford the particular furniture we need这个从句.
3.i am sorry sir,i----the work last monday,but i was too busy.
A ought to B should finish C must have finished D was to have finished
答案 D
ought to,should
ought to:侧重反映客观情况,多在涉及法律、道义、责任、义务或原则时使用.
should:侧重自己的主观看法,语气比ought to稍弱一些.
在时态上也可以判断:i----the work last monday,but i was too busy.
4.it was with great delight that i read in your February ----the letter to the Editor written by Prof Johnson
A issue B item C magazineDcopy
issue n.发行物,争论点,期刊号
5.if you put too many potatoes in that paper bag it wii-------
A blow B explode C crack D burst
crack v.崩溃,失去控制,压碎,使裂开,破解,开玩笑
D的固定搭配是 burst into sth
6.walking down the street,she noticed a long-----of houses,all exactly alike.
A queue B rank C train D row
答案选 D
7.try not to begain every sentence with "the" .-----the beginnings of your sentence.
A vary B decorate C from D describe
答案A 句子意思:试着不要每个句子都以THE开头,改变一下你的句子开头的形式.
vary 的意思是 使某物发生改变
8.i will be off on business next month.if you write letters and E-mails to me ,please -----all mails to Mr.zhang
A send B give C addressD pass
答案A 固定搭配,信件要和send搭配
9.Applea are usually sole by ----weight and eggs are sometimes sold by ---doze
A the the B \ a C \ the D the a
答案B 考察by的用法还有定冠词的用法
by+名词表示以什么为标准 a dozen 一打 表示重量高度长度等,不接定冠词,不清楚去看看定冠词的用法 因此B才正确
10.when people move to another country ,they often try ----the customs of their native land.
A to keep on B to keep off C to keep up D keeping up
C 句子意思:当人们移居到其他国家的时候,他们常常会努力保持他们本国的风俗.
try to do sth 设法,尽力,试图
They should try to keep prices from rising.
Do not try to cover a mistake.
try doing尝试(做),试着(做)


1 A turn to sb for help,if not him.所以要用宾格形式;
2 D it这里是形式宾语,that后面的那句话指代it,one的话必须是前面有所指代才能用;
3 B should do sth指本来要做某事但是没做,C项表示对过去的猜测,D项搭配就有问题,A项逻辑上不对;
4 C 注意题目的February,所以是二月份的期刊杂志,当我读P...


1 A turn to sb for help,if not him.所以要用宾格形式;
2 D it这里是形式宾语,that后面的那句话指代it,one的话必须是前面有所指代才能用;
3 B should do sth指本来要做某事但是没做,C项表示对过去的猜测,D项搭配就有问题,A项逻辑上不对;
4 C 注意题目的February,所以是二月份的期刊杂志,当我读Prof Johnson写的"给编辑的信",这个在二月份发表在杂志上时,我很兴奋。
5 D crack表示破裂,如鸡蛋、玻璃破裂;explode表示爆炸,如the bomb exploded;blow表示吹,the wind blow,还有爆炸的意思,the balloon has blown.而burst 就有挤满, 充满,爆满,涨满 ,胀开 的意思。注意区别。
6 D queue表示排队的那种队列,队伍、车队rank更多的是排名还有排; 横列; 行列
The soldiers stood in two ranks.
士兵站成两排。train行进中的一长列人[动物, 车辆] A long train of men and horses passed by.长长的一队人马开过去。row一排, 一行 ,更多的是街道,路;
7 C 这个句子已经有谓语动词了,所以只能是介词from;
8 A send sth to sb.pass是实物的传递,address表示在(信封或包裹等)上写上收信人的姓名、地址 ;
9 D by weight论斤、论重量,by a doze论一打(即十二个);
10 C try doing sth表示尝试做某事,try to do sth表示尽力做某事。当人们到另一个国家的时候,他们通常尽力保持他们祖国的风俗习惯。


A, 要用宾格。
D,IT 引导后面that 从句。
B, should + 动词原形 。虚拟 ,,做的
D 单词掌握量了
C try to do sth ,试着做没事,不一定成功, keep up 保持联系。

也做对了,但是对于其中的原因,我还是模棱两可,希望大家指教一1.who can you turn for help,if not ----?A.him B he C.his D.himself2.Do you expect -----to be a possibility that we shall be able to afford the particular furniture we 我每天也在做!但是出现了点疑问``就是如果你做好了一篇完型对了答案后,是仔细看看错题呢?还是大体的扫一遍,继续做下面的呢? Sat 语法题 这个题我做对了,但是还是想问一下d哪里错了 为什么有的事要用耳听不要用心去感受有一个道士这样对我说的但是我不懂其中的意思,也做不到 我现在在做关于计算机的题目,但是有些问题没做完,也没有信心是否做对了,谁能帮我检查一下,顺便教教我, the doctor told him that he still have 12 months to live请问一下其中的 to live 是做什么成分 不定式可以做目的 原因 方式等状语等成分 但是这里我不知道是什么了 无法分清物理中质量和重量的区别!但是对于他们的定义我也知道!但还是会分不清!我该怎么办?定义已经清楚但是还是会混淆定义我已经清楚了。但是在做作业是会把质量混淆成重量! 我做对了没? 我做对了吗? 我做对了没 考试我错了一道题,共三个步骤!第一步我做对了,第二步算式和公式列对了,但是答案算错了,接着第三步也连带错了.(这题共5分)求解答会被扣几分?! 在做水泥化学原材料化学分析的时候,我的氧化硅总是很高,做标样也是,但是一直找也没能找到原因!书上的注意事项也看过,也按照要求来做的,但是还是这样!有高手知道的,请指点一二, 对于爱情,男人心狠还是女人心狠.请注明原因但是不要长篇大论谢谢 虽然我做出来了,但是对于公式我还是不是太明白,每个的意思哦;可以解释下不; 请教英语考试题这两道题我做错了,但是不还是有些不明白,我知道正确答案,但是不知道其中的原因,请学长解析,选择:Mary wants to know what she_______when she wears the new coat(此题应该选A,我选的是B 这道题我做对了吗 这三道题我做对了没 这两题我做对了吗?