
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 01:23:08


HU (THROUGH TRANSLATOR): In just over 200 years, they have turned the United States into the most developed country in the world and made phenomenal achievements in economic development and science and technology.
The Chinese are industrious, courageous, honest and intelligent. They created the splendid ancient Chinese civilization. And today they are firmly committed to the path of peaceful development and are making continuous progress in a modernization drive by carrying out the reform and opening-up program.
Both China and the United States are countries of significant influence in the world. We share important common, strategic interests in a wide range of areas, including economic cooperation and trade, security, public health, energy and environmental protection, and on major international and regional issues.
In particular, mutually beneficial and win-win China-U.S. economic cooperation and trade benefit our two peoples and promote the economic growth in the Asia-Pacific region and the world at large.
Indeed, they have become an important foundation for China-U.S. relations.
Enhanced interactions and cooperation between China and the United States serve the interests of our two peoples and are conducive to world peace and development.
We should stay firmly rooted in the present while looking ahead to the future and view and approach China-U.S. relations from a strategic and long-term perspective.
We should, on the basis of the principles set forth in the three Sino-U.S. joint communiques, respect each other as equals and promote closer exchanges and cooperation.
This will enable us to make steady progress in advancing constructive and cooperative China-U.S. relations and bring more benefits to our two peoples and the people of the world.
We are ready to continue to work with the U.S. side and other parties concerned to peacefully resolve the nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula and the Iranian nuclear issue through diplomatic negotiation, to uphold the international nonproliferation regime and to safeguard global peace and stability.
We are ready to work with the U.S. side in a spirit of seeking mutual benefit and win-win outcomes to properly address each other's concerns and facilitate the sound and steady growth of bilateral economic cooperation and trade.
We will continue to pursue the strategy of boosting domestic demand and ensure fast and balanced economic and social development in China. This will create more opportunities for China-U.S. economic cooperation and trade.
We will continue to advance the reform of the RNB exchange rate regime, take positive steps in such areas as expanding market access, increasing import, and strengthening the protection of intellectual property rights, and further expand China-U.S. economic cooperation and trade.
We are ready to expand friendly people-to-people exchanges and enhance exchanges and cooperation in science, technology, culture, education and other areas.
We are ready to enhance dialogue and exchanges with the U.S. side on the basis of mutual respect and equality to promote the world's cause of human rights.
President Bush, you and the U.S. government have stated on various occasions that you are committed to the one-China policy, abide by the three Sino-U.S. joint communiques, and oppose Taiwan independence. We appreciate your commitments.
Taiwan is an inalienable part of Chinese territory. We will continue to make every effort and endeavor with every sincerity to strive for the prospect of peaceful reunification of the two sides across the Taiwan Straits.
We will work with our Taiwan compatriots to promote the peaceful development of cross-Straits relations. However, we will never allow anyone to make Taiwan secede from China by any means.
Ladies and gentlemen, dear friends, the 21st century has entrusted people around world with a lofty historic mission. That is to maintain world peace, promote common development and create a brighter future for mankind.
Let us work together with the international community to build a world of enduring peace, common prosperity and harmony.
Thank you once again, Mr. President, for your warm welcome.

求胡锦涛这次访美国在美国白宫的致辞的全篇英文版的演讲稿胡锦涛这次访美国在美国白宫的致辞的全篇英文版的演讲稿,和在耶怒大学的演讲稿,我打算把它背下来!我发现这能提高我的英语 美国白宫的来历 《石壕吏》全篇的提纲是什么?不是听妇前致辞么?这句话不统领全文么 运动会的运动员致辞 致辞的辞是什么意思 请高手给我找几篇国际会议的英文致辞,能不能发点全篇的范文或者实例给我? 求北京残奥会开幕式上残奥会主席克雷文致辞的英文稿原文坐轮椅的那位,在刘淇后致辞的.英语说得很纯正. 求歌颂胡锦涛的排比句! 美国白宫到底有多少年的历史? 求证婚人致辞,简短点的.不要太啰嗦 这次汶川地震,国家主席胡锦涛捐款多少呢?这次汶川地震,艺人、还有一些富商都有多多少少的捐一些,那国家主席胡锦涛捐款多少呢? 罗敷前致辞的致是什么意思、 【高分求助】结婚了急求婚礼上新郎感人致辞,尤其是新郎对父母感恩的致辞. 美国白宫在哪里急 朗朗简介(英语版)他是第一位与维也纳爱乐、柏林爱乐、美国五大交响乐团等所有一流乐团长期合作、并在全世界所有著名音乐厅举办个人独奏会的中国钢琴家;第一位在美国白宫举办专场 求的词全篇,关于纳兰性德的 中国国家主席胡锦涛2010年4月30日在上海国际会议中心举行宴会欢迎前来出席上海世博会开幕式的贵宾他在致辞文明历史正在改革开放中快速发展变化的中国1.说一说改革开放中我国快速发展 中译英,拜托了,不要翻译器译出来的!中国国家主席胡锦涛周五晚在上海世博文化中心宣布2010上海世博会开幕. 胡锦涛主席发表致辞后,贝壳形设计的世博文化中心内回荡着观众们的欢呼,黄