几个简单的初一英语问题1.I shall sell (American)food.9(对括号部分提问)______ _______ _____ food ______ will you sell ?好像该填 what kind of---- will为什么呢? 2.I hope i can see him as soon as i can .(改写同

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 11:30:43

几个简单的初一英语问题1.I shall sell (American)food.9(对括号部分提问)______ _______ _____ food ______ will you sell ?好像该填 what kind of---- will为什么呢? 2.I hope i can see him as soon as i can .(改写同
1.I shall sell (American)food.9(对括号部分提问)
______ _______ _____ food ______ will you sell ?
好像该填 what kind of---- will
2.I hope i can see him as soon as i can .(改写同义句)
I hope _____ _____ him as soon as ______.
好像该填 to see --- possible

几个简单的初一英语问题1.I shall sell (American)food.9(对括号部分提问)______ _______ _____ food ______ will you sell ?好像该填 what kind of---- will为什么呢? 2.I hope i can see him as soon as i can .(改写同
1.是对American提问,使对限定食物种类的定语提问,而what kind of 句型就是哪一种.
2.hope句型:hope+ 从句
hope+ to do(不定式形式 )
as soon as I can =as soon as possible

what kind of是什么种类的意思,对American这一种类进行提问
possible=i can,都是‘尽可能的’。hope to see是hope i can see的简写


几个简单的初一英语问题1.I shall sell (American)food.9(对括号部分提问)______ _______ _____ food ______ will you sell ?好像该填 what kind of---- will为什么呢? 2.I hope i can see him as soon as i can .(改写同 分析几个简单英文句子语法结构1.How many birthday cards has he got?如何解释为什么使用has he got?2.May I use your pencil?中May是否可以转换使用Shall,may和shall的用法 初一英语短文100词至200词的 越简单越好加5个简单的问题 I shall 的缩写 一道简单的初一英语,求答案. 一道简单的初一英语,求答案阿! 一个初一英语小文章简单一点的 急需一篇简单的初一英语对话 几个初一英语问题一.句型转换.(改为同义句)1.I'm travelling to Shanghai. I'm ____ ____ ____ Shanghai.2.The girl isn't good at singing. The girl ____ ____ ____ ____ swimming. 几个初三的英语问题1.how many workers are there in the company?there are zhout three ( ) wokers.A.thoudsand B.thousands C.thousands of 这几个词怎么区分啊?2.what shall i do to improve my english?raed( )you canA.as many as B.as much I shall的缩写I shall有没有缩写?是什么? I shall 的缩写形式 看这幅图画,问几个简单的英语问题并回答 请问几个初中英语问题(需要有比较详细的解答啊.)1.-This is no-smoking zone.Can't you see the sign?-sorry.I( )itA.haven't seen B.won't see C.don't see D.didn't2.Dad,let us,( )go to the cinema,( A.Jake and I,shall we B.Jake and me 请问几个几个简单词组的中文意思(初一英语)was amazed atwas surprised tofeels worried aboutare...ppleased withbecome intersted inexcited about谢谢所有回答者! I shall we shall的缩写分别是什么? 几个英语问题..关于情态动词的1.will,would,shall作为情态动词时的用法2.can have done 的意思3.can be 能表示推测吗4.would like to,should like 5.By no means________misunderstand youA.could we B.shall weC.we shall D.we can 几个简单的英语填词问题1.The music teacher is very ____(健康)and she wants to be ____(更健康)2.I need ____(buy)a dictional.