谁能用英语描述一下回族的禁忌习俗.简述就好!谁能用英语描述一下回族的禁忌习俗.简述就好!如 不吃猪肉 结婚习俗等等。

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 20:32:38

谁能用英语描述一下回族的禁忌习俗.简述就好!谁能用英语描述一下回族的禁忌习俗.简述就好!如 不吃猪肉 结婚习俗等等。
如 不吃猪肉 结婚习俗等等。

谁能用英语描述一下回族的禁忌习俗.简述就好!谁能用英语描述一下回族的禁忌习俗.简述就好!如 不吃猪肉 结婚习俗等等。
With a population of 8,603,000 in 1990,the Hui are the most populous of China's Muslim peoples.They are also the most widespread,living in every city,province,and region of China,as well as in 2,308 of China's 2,372 counties.In China,Islam is most often known as "the Hui religion." Although the Hui may constitute a very small percentage of the population of any one region,they are often by far the largest minority group in the region in which they live.
Nonconsumption of pork and mosque attendance also serve as ethnic identifiers,as does circumcision where it occurs.The Hui are often called "Chinese Muslims," even though they are regarded as a national minority rather than a religious community.One can be Han Chinese and Christian but not Han Chinese and Muslim.
The words qing zhen (pure and true) are often associated with Hui life,in reference to all Islamic ideals.These words are often placed on the signs of Hui establishments and on products in which Islamic ideals of purity are supposedly maintained:restaurants,food stores,bakeries,ice cream stores,candy wrappers,mosques,incense packages,and Islamic literature.In the case of food,qing zhen means that the food is free of contamination by pork and other unclean foods and is ritually purified.
There is great variability in the religious conservatism of the Hui.In northwest China the Hui are very conservative and are growing more so.There,leaders and parents have placed a great deal of emphasis on religious education,especially the study of the Quran.Many of these parents also question the value of studying Chinese language,history,and other subjects in public schools.Conservatism has also increased in other respects:in some places smoking and the consumption of alcohol are now prohibited where they were once common.In contrast,in northeastern China many Hui smoke,drink,and eat pork when away from home.
Muslim compatriots to earn our living making snacks for a long time.Saying "Hui 'two knives,' 'eight rope'." "Two knives" means the sale and the sale of beef and mutton cut cake,"8 to justice" is Diaodanhangshang hawkers Pan said.Hui snacks formed many generations,the family name and names of the specific brand,such as "pie week," and "air of Ma," "South to Shun." Muslim chef Chu Ming Cheung connected to superb cuisine and unique way as Beijing halal food cooks leader.Hui there are nearly 200 kinds of snacks,such as unexploded belly,tea,cut cake,Beijing is an important component of the cuisine.
The Muslim people have earned a living by making snacks.


谁能用英语描述一下回族的禁忌习俗.简述就好!谁能用英语描述一下回族的禁忌习俗.简述就好!如 不吃猪肉 结婚习俗等等。 藏族、回族的风俗习惯、禁忌 简述中国民居的主要类型及特点?举例说明饮食民俗的差异性?满族人忌食狗肉,回族人禁吃猪肉,这种饮食禁忌产生的原因是什么? 水族、白族、回族、苗族的生活习俗 关于回族习俗的英文简介? 哪个高手能用英语介绍一下各地万圣节的习俗最好能配以中文翻译~~~~~~~ 谁能用英语简短的帮我描述一下刘翔的外貌 简述满族、回族的概况、特点及旅游特色 大概也就2000字左右 帮帮忙啊 谁帮我介绍一下有关中国生日聚会 chinese birthday party 的年轻人,和老年长辈们的不同聚会方式和习俗,不不是描述单个生日聚会,是一种习俗方式的说明类脱口英语,十句吧, 蒙古族、傣族、回族、藏族、朝鲜族人的生活习俗. 谁能用英文介绍一下苗族?服装、习俗等 用英语介绍愚人节描述节日的习俗,起源 谁能用英文描述一下玫瑰的样子 谁能用英语帮我写一篇端午节的文章!介绍相关习俗 谁能用英语描述一下魔方的起源和历史啊?还有关于魔方的英语单词怎么说啊!感激啊 谁能用英语描述一下我最喜欢的名人Britney Spears(小甜甜) 100词左右! 请教高手简述一下三角洲的沉积描述问题 谁能用英语描述1个好朋友,要六年级上册之内的水平的!56句话就够了