1.The report ___poor safety standards for the accident.A.blames B.charges C.complains D.accuses2.The new school building is ___completion.A.nearly to B.close to C.almost at D.just about at 3.The rioters headed downtown,___they attacked city hall.A.si

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 17:33:40

1.The report ___poor safety standards for the accident.A.blames B.charges C.complains D.accuses2.The new school building is ___completion.A.nearly to B.close to C.almost at D.just about at 3.The rioters headed downtown,___they attacked city hall.A.si
1.The report ___poor safety standards for the accident.
A.blames B.charges C.complains D.accuses
2.The new school building is ___completion.
A.nearly to B.close to C.almost at D.just about at
3.The rioters headed downtown,___they attacked city hall.
A.since B.as C.whereupon D.yet
4.The earthquake____windows and woke residents
A.slammed B.prosecuted C.rattled D.pierced
5.The sport of wrestling tests___,strength,and stamina.
A.agility B.coordination C.tactics D.courage
6.The travelers were___into silence by the sight of a distant mountain.
A.enlivened B.awed C.forced D.frightened

1.The report ___poor safety standards for the accident.A.blames B.charges C.complains D.accuses2.The new school building is ___completion.A.nearly to B.close to C.almost at D.just about at 3.The rioters headed downtown,___they attacked city hall.A.si
1 A
blame for
accuse sb of sth
charge sb with sth
2 B
close做adj解释at or within a short distance in space or time
nearly almost都是副词
be about at没有此用法
3 B
感觉上是as 这个不太确定
4 C
rattle shake and cause to make a rattling noise
slam 猛击
prosecute 进行,实行,从事,告发,起诉
pierce 刺穿
5 A
agility 敏捷
6 C
force force into or from an action or state,either physically or metaphorically
awe 敬畏
enliven 使生动