【英美文学】1:What the theme of Hamlet?2:what's the theme of Shalley's "Ode to the West Wind?"Whatdoes the West Wind symbolize?

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【英美文学】1:What the theme of Hamlet?2:what's the theme of Shalley's "Ode to the West Wind?"Whatdoes the West Wind symbolize?
【英美文学】1:What the theme of Hamlet?2:what's the theme of Shalley's "Ode to the West Wind?"What
does the West Wind symbolize?

【英美文学】1:What the theme of Hamlet?2:what's the theme of Shalley's "Ode to the West Wind?"Whatdoes the West Wind symbolize?
1Some say Hamlet is about revenge,some say love,some say the losses,and there are people who even say it is about Odipus complex.Maybe they are all right in some way.As we all know,when there are a thousand of readers,there are a thousand of Hamlets.So I believe the tragedy of Hamlet is just about tradegy.Tragedies may take a thousand forms,but the distressful feelings are the same.Hamlet is me when I am in sorrow; and I am him when tragedy occurs to me.
2The theme of Shelley's ode to the west wind is the high praise for the wind,the cheerful strength to destruct the old and to give birth to the new and the irrisistable thirst for freedom and bright future.the wind symbolizes the seemingly destructive but truly renovative force.

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