
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 01:33:34


1 some of the requirements of high also cannot satisfy
2 all nationalities,fusion,create the brilliant Chinese culture and civilization.
3 HuangShanSong various forms,beautiful,have tenacious vitality and impressive
4 in huangshan,you can enjoy the beauty of all,it's charm lies in its "four rejects" -- and hot springs.
5 the potala is Tibet theocracy center
6 this hotel has the potential to develop into the international first-class hotel
7.If all goes well,we could finish the task ahead of time
8.Sorry,your waiting,but I can turn to serve the guests.
9 is the hotel restaurant management system in various parts of the comprehensive activity.
10.I want to buy some senior tonic,because people say Chinese have magical effect.
Thank him for 11 years of hotel
12 that this letter consult with the purpose,and hope
13.Ask for the hotel lobby,such as I served for room service,the service,the impression,etc
14 ask any suggestion
15 to thank cooperation

1. Some require a high price is not met
2. The nation learn from each other, each fusion, and jointly create the brilliant Chinese culture and civilization.
3. Taiwanensis wonderful, beautif...


1. Some require a high price is not met
2. The nation learn from each other, each fusion, and jointly create the brilliant Chinese culture and civilization.
3. Taiwanensis wonderful, beautiful KIWI, with vitality, impressive
4. Huangshan you can enjoy all the natural beauty, its charm lies in its "four no" --- pines, rocks, sea of clouds and hot springs.
5. Potala Palace is the center of Tibetan politics and religion rule
6. The hotel may be developed into an international class hotel
7. If all goes well, we may fulfill the task ahead
8. I'm sorry, Thank you for waiting, but I can only turn to serve our guests.
9. Restaurant business is all part of the hotel system composed of integrated activities.
10. I'd like tonic, because people say that Chinese medicine has magical effect.
11. Thank him for his many years of trust in the hotel
12. Explain the purpose of the letter Zhe Feng consulted, and that with
13. Ask the hotel's image, such as on my reception hall, restaurant services, room service and so the impression
14. Inquired about the proposed
15. Thanks for the cooperation


英语翻译1.有些要求出高价也是无法满足的2.各民族取长补短,彼此融合,共同创造了辉煌灿烂的中华文化与文明。3.黄山松千姿百态,优美奇伟,具有顽强的生命力,给人印象深刻4.在黄山 英语翻译吉健 kilGun 为什么不懂(为什么不知道)的中文歌词 翻译过来的高价奖励`要求有文字逻辑 就是不要太过白的直译 有些事不说出来是无法传达给对方的 英语翻译 TPU与TPE差别?主要谈谈TPU优点,而TPE无法满足的要求, 英语翻译近年来,随着电力供应紧张,频频发生的断电现象严重影响了通信的质量.传统的供电方式无法满足和适应现行趋势下末梢网络设备的供电要求,在这种情况下,具有不受市电接入限制,高 英语翻译我可以满足你的要求.*_* 英语翻译若卖方所做样品无法满足买方图纸要求时,须卖方书面通知买方,本合同自动中止.卖方须将所收到的30%合同金额预收款於3周内全额退还给买方. 世界上真的有鬼吗?如果没有,那么那些发生的怪事怎么去解释?有些事,用科学也是无法解释的! 英语翻译第六条 乙方权利及义务  (一)权利  1.乙方约定并同意,在委派人员的工作不符合要求的情况下,乙方应给予员工培训或者指导,经过三个月的考核期,若委派人员仍然无法满足工 英语翻译主要是歌名有些无法理解 不知道翻译是如何和英文对上的~ 我会想尽办法尽量满足您的有关质量要求,但我无法做到百分之百.恳求翻译 英语翻译另外这里的花高价 可以翻译成 pay top dollar 什么是金属的高价态 英语翻译这种产品价格波动太大,我们无法承受因为价格波动造成的后果,你也是做棉花生意的. 为什么有些没脚像蛇的却也是蜥蜴? 英语翻译我国劳动合同法第十四条规定了当劳动者提出续订要求时,用人单位应当订立无固定期限劳动合同的三种法定情形,即在以下情形出现时,只要劳动者提出续订要求,用人单位就应当满足 2011年,拥有巨大产能的我国众多出口企业,面对纷至沓来的订单显得格外犹豫且挑剔:只接短单不做长单,青睐中小规模的订单不愿做大订单,有些企业纵使采购商出高价也不愿多接订单.引起上 谁能教我魔法或巫术这是真实的,有书者我出高价收,找师父交我