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郭沫若早期美学观受到雪菜美学名著很大影响.郭沫若把雪莱强调的想象、感情情调结合起来,再加上雪莱所说的"诗的才能所含有的""本能性与直觉性"以及"武断地由想象产生的"语言,构成了他认为是诗的"本体"的几个因素.郭沫若的艺术社会职能观,在总体性的性质和特点上,同样受到雪莱明显而直接的影响.然而郭沫若也并没有以学院派的方式完整地接受雪莱的理论体系,两者在某些方面有着明显差异. 在网上还没有雪莱权文的翻译.我整理了全文,总结了一下雪莱最主要的一些定义和想法,把经典段落摘录下来,供大家揣摩,欣赏吧. 1. 雪莱对理智和想象关系的定义 Reason is to Imagination as the instrument to the agent, as the body to the spirit, as the shadow to the substance. 理智对于想象的关系就像是工具与动因,肢体与灵魂,影子与实物一般. 2. 雪莱对诗歌的定义 Poetry, in a general sense, may be defined to be "the expression_r of the Imagination". 诗歌,在广义上来说,就是想象的表现. We have thus circumscribed the meaning of the word Poetry within the limits of that art which is the most familiar and the most perfect expression_r of the faculty itself. 3. 诗人的责任 Poets, or those who imagine and express this indestructible order, are not only the authors of language and of music, of the dance and architecture and statuary and painting:they are the institutors of laws, and the founders of civil society and the inventors of the arts of life and the teachers, who draw into a certain propinquity(接近,近似) with the beautiful and the true that partial apprehension of the agencies of the invisible world which is called religion. 诗人们是法律的制定者,是文明的创造者,是艺术的开拓者,是那只能被部分理解的未知世界中隐藏的宗教力量的推动者. 4. 诗歌的不可捉摸性 Poetry in a more restricted sense expresses those arrangements of language, and especially metrical language, which are created by that imperial faculty, whose throne is curtained within the invisible nature of man. 诗歌,狭义地说,表现了语言的排列,特别是格律性语言.这种语言被一种无上官能所创造,他的王位被帘幕遮挡在人类不可见的本性之中. 5. 对诗人品性的要求 The great secret of morals is Love; or a going out of our own nature, and an identification of ourselves with the beautiful which exists in though, action, or person, not our own. A man, to be greatly good, must imagine intensely and comprehensively; he must put himself in the place of anotherand of many others; the pains andpleasures of his species must become his own. The great instrument of moral good is imagination. 诗人必须具有爱,或者走出自己的本我,以一种超越自我的身份刻画不属于我们自身的美.一个伟大的诗人必定具有强大的想象力和理解能力,他必须懂得换位思考,人类的疾苦哀乐应可聚集于他一人身上.而为了达到这种境界最伟大的媒介便是想象 6.什么是真正的Pleasure It is difficult to define pleasure in its highest sense; the definition involving a number of apparent paradoxes. For, from an inexplicable defect of harmony in the constitution of human nature, the pain of the inferior is frequently connected with the pleasure of the superior portions of our being. 每一种极端的情绪,从某种意义上说,都是一种快乐 7. 对诗歌的狭义定义 What is called poetry, in a restricted sense, has a common source with all other forms of order and of beauty according to which the materials of human life are susceptible of being arranged, and which is poetry in an universal sense. 狭义的诗歌与任何一种形式的美都有相似的特性,这边是诗歌的永恒属性. 8. 对诗人的终结定义 Poets are the hierophants of an unapprehended inspiration, the mirrors of the gigantic shadows which futurity casts upon present, the words which express what they understand not; the trumpets which sing to battle, and feel not what they inspire: the influence which is moved not, but moves. Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the World. 诗人是未知神灵的祭祀长,是镜子反射的巨大的未来世界在现今社会的投影,是字符表达人们所无法即刻理解的至理;是战争的号角,但他们却无法感受到他们自身产生的激励作用:一种不为所动而推动一切的影响力.诗人们是未被公认的世界法律的制定者. 下面是一片我关于雪莱诗歌中Pleasure的定义的文章,主要论述了雪莱对于Pleasure这个词所具有的背反意义的描述,结合了一些道家清静无为的思想,是我在比较文学中的第一篇论文.权且当作是大海携珍,管中窥豹吧.请大方之家莫要讥笑,不吝赐教吧. “Pleasure” in Shelley’s “A Defence of Poetry” Pleasure, as people will commonly perceive, is a kind of feeling that can make people content and excited. However, after reading Shelley’s “A Defence of Poetry,” I find that misery, sorrow, agony, anguish, terror, and despair are also types of extreme pleasure, as long as we can look at them in a philosophical and poetic way. “Pleasure” is an extreme emotion, no matter what kind of emotion it is. If we could interpret our everyday feelings from Shelley’s perspective, we would be able to feel inner happiness and peace constantly, no matter what difficulties and sufferings we were going through. One state of life which might be commonly considered as pleasureless, or even unbearably miserable, which has been mentioned often in the text, is solitude. However, from the perspective of a poet or people who have a gift for poetry, solitude is exactly another form of extreme pleasure. In China there is an old saying: “Solitude shapes a great man.” Shelley said: “Poet is a nightingale, who sits in darkness and sings to cheer its own solitude with sweet sounds” (Shelley 343). This great poet nightingale is definitely pathetic in most people’s eyes. However, people with artistic eyes will admire this “special” nightingale to an extent that they want to be one without any hesitation. The nightingale has the greatest pleasure of being perseverant and determined to sing to the most beautiful and poetic scenery in the world: sky decorated by everlasting stars. The nightingale’s Romanticism cannot possibly be understood by laymen, and his solitary pursuit of real beauty and sublime love can only be understood many years after he dies. Shelley has also mentioned this phenomenon in his text: “Even in modern times, no living poet ever arrived at the fullness of his fame” (Shelley 343). He maintains the impossibility of a poet to reach his career summit when he is alive, because his achievement can only be recognized after many generations’ apprehension and meditation. But once a poet is recognized and admired, he is not lonely any more. Rational and irrational are relative to one another, just as things will develop in the opposite direction when they become extreme. Shelley said: “The definition of pleasure involves a number of apparent paradoxes” (Shelley, 352). Paradoxes not only exist in the realm of poetry, but also in science or even our daily life. A theory scientists normally assume is, if people could reach absolute zero, then under that temperature, any kind of metal would melt. This is equally true that when we reach an extremely high temperature, a limit which has not been discovered yet; all conditions under that temperature coincide with those at absolute zero. Geniuses are usually regarded as abnormal to some extent, for they can reach a height that normal people cannot, and few people can ever think of. Vincent Willem van Gogh, Kawabata Yasunari, Hai Zi, and Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche either became mad or killed themselves. Poppies, one of the most beautiful flowers in the world, are also one of the most poisonous drugs. The beauty of nature principally lies in the symmetry of extremes. Once you climb over the peak of a mountain, you have to go down; when you think you are in an awful situation, it is really probable that you will be better off in the near future, vice versa. So what Shelley stated, irrational as it might seems, is precisely true if we were really to meditate on our lives, and the lives of others we have read about in books. Not only things at their extremes follow this principle, but everything in our world can appear paradoxical at times. Shelley quotes King Solomon in the Ecclesiastes: “It is better to go to the house of mourning, than to the house of mirth.”(Shelley 352) If we think about Solomon’s “shiny” life, we could easily observe that he has obtained almost all objects people are pursuing nowadays: power, women, money, and fame. So why should he be sad if he were in such great situations of abundance and happiness? Why would he regret that he did not followed God’s instruction? Ironically, pleasure is not something that can be superficially defined as the fulfillment of physical and mental desire. The hearts of those people who look great and magnificent are usually barren and insolent, as was the heart of Ozimandias, for example. But in experiencing another sense, wouldn’t Solomon be in another kind of great pleasure when he wrote this? “Poetry is a sword of lightning, ever unsheathed, which consumes the scabbard that would contain it” (Shelley 346).After realizing his misdoings of the past, Solomon’s repentances are just like the dazzling lightning which consumes all scabbards that would contain it, awaking people suffocated by materialism and Epicureanism. After all, Solomon should still be regarded as one of the happiest people, since he repented before too late, since he is still a great king whose name would be remembered by numerous subsequent generations? Just as Shelley said, “From an inexplicable defect of harmony in the constitution of human nature, the pain of the inferior is frequently connected with the pleasure of the superior portions of our being” (Shelley 352). Any form of extreme emotion is “Pleasure”, not only superficial definition of “pleasure” related with happiness. In a practical sense, understanding the meaning of “Pleasure” can give us a brand new view of our mundane life. After Shelley’s edification, I think I am now more capable of looking at something unbearable from another, or rather, poetic and philosophical, point of view. Even under great pressure and stress, or even persecution, whenever I think of the “pleasure” I am undertaking at the same time, peacefulness simply gushes from my heart and pleasure is experienced by me in its sublime form.

A DEFENCE OF POETRY怎么样 求翻译 A Defence of Poetry 求翻译A Defence of PoetryPoetry is the record of the best and happiest moments of the happiest and best minds. We are aware of evanescent visitations of thought and feeling sometimes associated with place or person, s the man was to make some reply______his friend when he entered the room again.A.for defence of B.in defence of C.with defence of D.at defence of个人认为是B. poem poetry jewel jewellery 用法 类似于谓语单复数之类的可以说 a piece of poetry ——is a book of——A.poetry ; poems.B.poem ; poetry.C.poetry ; poem.D.poem ; poetries.a book of a poetry of mere day 怎么翻译阿 defence of the ancient是什么意思 Defence of the Ancient是什么意思 Defence of the Ancient是什么意思 defence The defence of the alamo was a heroic action of gallant men. THE WITNESS OF POETRY怎么样 metaphysical school of poetry是什么? 5 Negotiorum gestio as a defence within the framework of the law of tort.Justified benevolent intervention in advancement of another’s interests constitutes a ground of defence in respect of an extra-contractual liability in damages which would oth 英语翻译:some of the first poetry a young child learns in english is nursery rhymes. Some of the first poetry a young child learns in english is nursery rhymes,怎么翻译 麻烦翻译一下she had written enough poetry to put together a slender book of verse 翻译:the academy of American Poets will launtch the fires-ever Poetry Read-a Thon.