英语翻译下面是一篇英文,帮我看一下是啥呢么意思,不需要逐字逐句翻译说清意思即可Project:Implement and Test Item-Based Collaborative FilteringRecommendation AlgorithmsiThe amount of information in the world is increasi

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 19:18:52

英语翻译下面是一篇英文,帮我看一下是啥呢么意思,不需要逐字逐句翻译说清意思即可Project:Implement and Test Item-Based Collaborative FilteringRecommendation AlgorithmsiThe amount of information in the world is increasi
Project:Implement and Test Item-Based Collaborative Filtering
Recommendation Algorithmsi
The amount of information in the world is increasing far more quickly than our ability to
process it.All of us have known the feeling of being overwhelmed by the number of new books,
movies,and journal articles coming out each year.Technology has dramatically reduced the
barriers to publishing and distributing information.Now it is time to create the technologies
that can help us sift through all the available information to find that which is most valuable to
us.One of the most promising such technologies is collaborative filtering,which has been
very successful in both research and practice,and in both information filtering applications and
E-commerce applications.
The Question
The goal of a collaborative filtering algorithm is to suggest new items or to predict the utility of
a certain item for a particular user based on the user's previous likings and the opinions of other
like-minded users.In a typical CF scenario,there is a list of m users { ,,,} 1 2 m U  u u  u and a
list of n items { ,,,} 1 2 n   i i  i .Each user ui has a list of items Iui,which the user has expressed
his/her opinions about.Opinions can be explicitly given by the user as a rating score,generally
within a certain numerical scale,or can be implicitly derived from purchase records,by
analyzing timing logs,by mining web hyperlinks and so on.Note that I ui   and it is possible
for Iui to be a null-set.There exists a distinguished user U U a  called the active user for whom
the task of a collaborative filtering algorithm is to find an item likeliness that can be of two
 Prediction is a numerical value,Pa,j,expressing the predicted likeliness of item
j ua i I for the active user ua.This predicted value is within the same scale (e.g.,from 1
to 5) as the opinion values provided by ua.
 Recommendation is a list of N items,I r   ,that the active user will like the most.
Note that the recommended list must be on items not already purchased by the active
user,i.e.,    r ua I .This interface of CF algorithms is also known as Top-N

英语翻译下面是一篇英文,帮我看一下是啥呢么意思,不需要逐字逐句翻译说清意思即可Project:Implement and Test Item-Based Collaborative FilteringRecommendation AlgorithmsiThe amount of information in the world is increasi

英语翻译下面是一篇英文,帮我看一下是啥呢么意思,不需要逐字逐句翻译说清意思即可Project:Implement and Test Item-Based Collaborative FilteringRecommendation AlgorithmsiThe amount of information in the world is increasi 帮我看一下下面的卦 英语翻译麻烦帮我翻译一下这个歌曲 而且最好是一句上面英文接着下面一句相应的中文翻译我要的是歌词翻译!不是歌名 请帮我看一下下面的卦 帮我看一下, 英语翻译是一篇关于与人交往的英语作文帮我翻译一下 请帮我看一下这里的英文是什么意思, 帮我看一下这个英文怎么翻译 帮我用英语翻译一下下面这句话 英语翻译谁可以帮我翻译一下下面这段话是什么意思, 英语翻译谁帮我翻译一下这两个词的英文,1.雪山 2.血液 还有这两个词的缩写 看清楚哦,我需要的是这两个词的英文,和这两个词的英文缩写 英语翻译我在翻译一篇高尔夫的英文材料,以下是讲果岭方面的内容,请牛人们帮我翻译一下下面一段话,那个grain和landing 不慎感激Multi-directional greens mowing in the weeks leading up to the tournament is desi 英语翻译请帮我翻译一下英文是社么 英语翻译英文高手快帮我翻译一下 英语翻译帮我翻译一下这个地址.英文的 英语翻译同上 英文好的 帮我翻译一下 急.. 英语翻译下面这段英文是我的作业,请哪位兄弟姐妹帮我翻译一下.只要能翻译出来大概意思就可以了.Microsphere Preparation,Size,and Morphology.Theemulsifying,internal cold gelling method adapted from our previous work 帮我看一下是啥字,