
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 17:40:55


Tobacco has not been proven to be harmful to health.
Tobacco and smoking is a harmless pleasure enjoyed by many for many years.
Many older people derive great pleasure for a smoke now and then.

Arguments in Favor: 赞成派
Smoking should be prohibited.
The World Health Organization points out that diseases linked to smoking kill at least three million people each year, one every six seco...


Arguments in Favor: 赞成派
Smoking should be prohibited.
The World Health Organization points out that diseases linked to smoking kill at least three million people each year, one every six seconds.
Scientific research has shown that the risk of developing lung cancer increases with smoking.
The number of cigarettes smoked per day and the duration of the smoking habit increase your chances.
It diminishes with the cessation of smoking.
Smoking is not only harmful to the smoker but also results in the deaths of non-smokers.
Statistics show that passive smoking is causing 3000 to 5000 lung cancer deaths a year among American non-smokers.
Smoking not only leads to lung cancer, but also many other diseases.
This includes heart attacks, sore throats, headaches, chronic bronchitis, pulmonary emphysema, etc.
An American scientist estimated that smokers who average a package a day for 20 years would lose about eight years of their lives.
Smoking makes the indoor environment far more polluted than the outdoor environment.
Pregnant women who smoke run the risk of having deformed babies.
When the mother smokes so does the baby.
Smoking is an expensive habit, for a smoker who consumes a package a day will spend much money every month.
Smoking has a bad impact on the psyche of the smokers.
On the one hand, smokers realize the bad effects of smoking and are persuaded from time to time to stop.
On the other hand, many of them can hardly resist the temptation to smoke. Thus, they often lose confidence in themselves.
Children exposed to parental cigarette smoking are put at a higher risk of developing lung cancer later in their lives.
In the countryside, some smokers share the same pipe, which is even more unhealthier.
Smoking not only pollutes the air but also makes the streets dirty.
Some smokers flick ash off their cigarettes and throw cigarette butts everywhere.
Smoking speeds up the process of aging and helps cause wrinkles on people's faces.
Smokers cause many fires that kill people and destroy property.
Each cigarette smoked costs smokers six minutes of their life.
Arguments Against: 反对派
Smoking should not be prohibited, for cigarettes give many people a good deal of pleasure much of the time.
Nicotine can produce a tranquilizing effect during high emotions and shock situations, and therefore, helps to calm people down.
Smoking counteracts the decrease in efficiency that typically occurs in boring, monotonous situations.
Smokers can improve their performance in complex situations while smoking.
Smokers help increase the revenue of our country.
Smoking kills no more people than epidemics or traffic accidents.
Most smokers spend much money on snacks, a habit costing as much as smoking if not more
Many young women admire handsome boys with a cigarette on their lip.
Young women who smoke appear cool and capable.
If we eliminated smoking, many people in the tobacco industry will be out of jobs, and that will create many social problems.
Smoking may not always lead to death, Winston Churchill was a chain-smoker but he enjoyed a long life.
Facts have shown that if a chain-smoker suddenly quits smoking, He's more likely to have lung-cancer than those who keep the habit.
Everybody has the right to keep his or her habits. Smokers are no exception.
Many smokers live to a very old age.
Many non-smokers die an early death.
The government should not restrict the rights of an individual to seek pleasure that does not hurt anyone.
Tobacco has not been proven to be harmful to health.
Tobacco and smoking is a harmless pleasure enjoyed by many for many years.
Many older people derive great pleasure for a smoke now and then.




Why has to control the smoke? Has a view to be called, does not havethe victim illegally, for instance grasps homosexuality and so on,stressed their reason possibly is destroys society's male forewordgood to be vulgar. Smoking to individual said is own matter should notintervene exterior, but smokes has, the pollution environment, theharm other people, for instance the people often said two smoke.Inside this nobody definitely may convince opposite party in thelogical reason, exterior nature needs to solve, but did this need notto let the tobacco company make the advertisement to be difficult tosay. I thought the quite feasible means are, through the publicdebate, the transparent public decision-making procedure achieved anot worst result, or said one kind of balance. Imagines in me, thisquestion not perfect solution.
In fact, very many people smoke, is perhaps advantageous to theenhancement working efficiency, the promotion production, certainlythis account is calculated not clear, the economic rationality doesnot have the opportunity in this place. Said the voluntary trade faircauses transaction all quarters all to profit, this must look thetransaction condition, some time transactions are one kind force, thesocial not always two people's societies, the transaction consequencepossibly affects other people, then other people also may advocate ownright. Does this time how manage? Inside this has the information notassymetrical question, in the modern transaction this kind ofinformation not assymetrical everywhere, is completely different withthe acquaintance society. The transaction is in is voluntarilyadvantageous to the pair instead, I thought only is a front modernsupposition, in the modern society's transaction must be much morecomplex, for instance also needs to have cheats such premise and soon. Exterior the question often belongs to the property rightquestion, but an enterprise is in fact not has the long-termmanagement the idea, I thought does not have the people with theproperty right to understand said that close connection? I thoughtso-called has the property to have the perseverance, this speech needsreto carefully examine, this in the very many times as if picture is apsychology question

